Monday, August 3, 2009

i'm upset and happy at the same time :/

YO! wassup? sry that this font cant be seen properly because of the INTERNER :/. Well, today school was usual but then when hear the announcement about 1E8 & 1N4 cannot come for the ordinary recess n assembly cos their classmates are sick.So cannot see mingsiew,ysabelle,priscilla during recess and assembly lor..siens.. Then i disturb yiling,peiling and aaron!! during PE lessons, i played VB with brandon,mingxuan,nabilah,hafizah,yokemun,siangyao,crystal,aishah...did i miss anyone out? lols Well, they play so funny one xD then the aaron la walao anyhow say I nub:/ he more noober :D. Then, the siangyao always want to "SMACK DOWN" aka spike lols...hit anyhow but nice le better then JB xD. Then after that went to see mingsiew's class...there were peishan,liping,doreen,melvin and of cos mingsiew xD. I drew closer and sat on the drain. Then played vb after that raced to the classroom cos it was english lesson. THEN blahblah...must draw something about SINGAPORE and then must paint it.. But that aaron hor go put paint on me..HAHA i revenged back...using black paint xD..AARON THE GIANT AND GLAMOROUS!! Then blablah...after school, go near the General Office and sit at the bench there and waited for carol n mingsiew but carol was tooo busy go home with mingsiew,went to Ninja Underwear turtle club (NTUC) to go buy can drinks. Then went home after that. F.Y.I tmr gonna wait for mingsiew in the morning :D.....Bye peeplos

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