Thursday, August 6, 2009

Laugh Out Loud Day xD

Yo wassup?

HEHES...sry people that this font can't be seen :/. Got error lehs X(. Ok..let me tell you at the beginning..

Waited for mingsiew and then played at the nearby playground to wait for mandy..everytime we come to school, can see JOEI & SYLVIAAAA~ XD... Then reached to the school's gate ..joei almost wanted to zaee me then went in the gate and then saw MR.CHIN ...WOOTS AWESOME!! HE'S BACK :D Then quickly went back to classroom...late liaos marh anout 7.20 am :/ ... Then, i went in the classroom, greet teacher and then walked to my seat and sat then i saw candy.. LOL! who give me one derh la..then i dontt care, i didnt touch it but you know who took was SIANG YAO but nvm la. Then first period was social studies, Yiling kept passing letters to me and then the AARON so concern lors...then the aaron's gang joking here and there..making me laugh izit.. :/ Then after that period was SCience ar...laugh here there the blahblah...SKIP the rest of the periods. After school, called my mum and then went,packed and went off. Walking back to school, saw YANMEI <3 HEHES :D said hello then quickly walked to the canteen but saw JEFF o.O he told me he saw my friends but i didnt care i smiled :D hahas. Then,saw mandy,sabrina and chelsea. Chelsea asked mandy to take care of her volleyball so mandy said she doesnt want soi i tale care of it lorhs. Then i was looking for mingsiew i went to the new block foyer then saw michelle,chermaine and priscilla + the 2E7 guy. He thought im goin to play vb but instead i was lookin for mingsiew.... then went to the air-con there, saw yiling,brandon,puisi,crystal and lengpoh. They wanted to play badminton but the teacher wont let them.. then i didnt find her so i went back to the canteen..then sekali got one guy said hello...then when i turn it was YUSHENG :D then brought my things near the PE room...then saw MINGSIEW..Melvin sekali..then i took care of the things..then lalalla~ Then we all changed to the Jerseys and then went to the canteen because mingsiew want to eat mehs...then while mingsiew was eating...i saw PEILING with her NCDCC uniform...then i said hello and she replied me also la. Then never see carol le :/ then went CCAB, got transport to there but no transpor to come back...Training so fun :D ...After training went back home with Mingsiew,Mandy,Melvin and Mr Chin..see saw many M's. xD then talk crap and laughed alot..talking about inderjit hahas sharp nose can poke one... Then blahblah..went back home peacefully :D And thats it Good-byeeeeeeee

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