Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm feeling so upset....


Today school as usual, i didnt wait for mingsiew before school because i wanted to train my service.....and was early then i served well then helped to take ball and give to some of the boys and girls. Then...chermaine ask me whether i want to follow her to put her things at the classroom so i went and then she burst out in tears...i dunno why...pls dont ask me :/ okok then blahblah, went to parade sqaure and i guess someone drank my water .__. haiz...but nvm then first period was SS...Watch videos then must do the I C E....not ice hors it stands for I-inference,C- clues, E-explanation/Elaborate....okok we have done this so many times liao lerh but it was fun :D. Then it was maths, aiyo teacher kept scolding our class then after that was recesss~ then science after that was english + CME liaos. Tell you what happen during mdm ros period, She ask us to stand and then greet after that she ask the girls to put their hands at their ears to do 30 sit-ups....I mean you must squat then come up...then she made us redo,redo and redo...walao such an ass..then after the girls done, it was boys turn then they do the same thing as the girls then when it is all finish . She ask us to sit on the floor -.-...wapiang eh but fun hehehs......okok then mark here and there for the eng paper then after all that went back to our seat.Then after school..wait for the DI ZI GUI students to go in the music room and went home by myself... That's all Goooooddd--bye! Hello carol and YanMei:D, Mingsiew! hehes got nothing better to do..

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