Wednesday, August 26, 2009

it happens very quickly..slowly..quickly

Hello :]

Today school was as usual and let me start from the beginning. It was MT lesson so the malay students went to MLC to do book review and it was only just 1 period. Then after that was CPA lessons, the subject was about love in powerpoint and today i got screwed up. I'm so unhappy and upset after that period was recess and i wasn't quite feeling well because i was having upset stomach. After that was MDM ROS period, did worksheets and then it was science test after that period. I felt sad because one of the pupils tore the test papers into pieces and the teacher was about to burst out in tears but he was strong to hold his feelings. After that was maths, revision about place value and blahblah....after that was ART. I drew National Day T-Shirt and someone said it was cute but to me it looks like an astranaut suit to me and after that i drew drugs because it was our project marhs. After school, went to look for mingsiew but she was with ysabelle and gang but no worries. I ws with mandy at the comp lab doing IT project and then went home. I saw YanMei:D!!! hahahas You cannot hide lahs xD

I know that someone was using me all along and i did not knew earlier but now i'm wide-opened and ready to becareful.....I felt so sad knowing this

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