Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Hello :D

Today, school was not the usual,many crazy things happened. Ok let me start from the beginning.
Before school met mingsiew & mandy and then went to a nearby playground then hors while waiting mingsiew slide down the playground slide. LOL..then i said nothing better to do isit? xD
Then walked to school,went in saw some of my classmates in da classroom some of the latecomers havent come yet. Then i sat down and started reading and thinking what will happen today.
Today, Yiling was super something wrong, Yuting got rashes and i hope she will be fine. First period was Malay lesson...*yawns* so boring lors..Then after that was Computer application then recess.
Recess time, Puisi gave me a biscuit.. so YUMMY to eat. lols... Then ate it till it is finished then went to the excercising place there to call lengpoh cos yiling command me to do... ._______.
Then went to the volleyball court to meet the volleyballers ^^, mingsiew & mandy were talking about tests...o.0 chermaine and gang were playing vb so after that the recess bell rang.
Went up to my classroom and it was assembly then maths..last period was art. Oh F.Y.I yiling is something wrong today, she laugh for no reasons and today she got caught by the teacher and thanks to the Mister siangyao and gang. lols
Well after school, waited for mingsiew and some volleyballers then went to HKE to play vb and then went home. That's all good-bye!

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