Friday, August 7, 2009

Funny National Day :D

Hello :D

Today is Singapore national day! So waited for mingsiew at the bus-stop,then went to a nearby playground and played to wait for mandy. Then saw mandy, walked to school and crap some jokes..Wah! so many wearing red T-shirt! hehes..Then...went in the school, went up to my classroom with mingsiew cos she last floor marhs...then a song was played hahas...the NDP song lols where i belong...lalal~ hahas then we laughed and went to our classrooms. Then, almost reaching to the classroom, saw Mdm ros coming liaos so quickly went it then sat down at my seat. Some of them wearing Full uniform and red T-Shirt. Then mdm ros talk,talk...then the part was cutting and writing + paste! I was cutting and then pasted behind the classroom noticeboard :D. Oh F.Y.I My class won the first prize :D. Okay today was a fun day and OMG FUNNY!! hahas Took photos lorhs, then aaron,siang yao, yuzhe,joshua,yiling,jeff and whatever people joking there and here. HAHAS i love it :D laughing is the BEST medicine :D... After all that...went to the new block foyer, saw michelle,sab,chels,ysabelle and some of the boys. Then I asked chermaine to give me a handmade heartshapes :D so she gave me one..So pro la she.. Then i was wondering where is mingsiew....because teacher asked us to wait till they come so he can start talking..He talked about BLAHBLAH..Then after all that.. Mingsiew wanted to know what happen so she waited for chermaine..Went to the bookshop bench sat there and waited for chermaine..Michelle and pris was there..hahas so bored till i slept for awhlie :P..
Then when its all done, went to BBT shop bought plain waffle then walked to the bus-stop to send mingsiew home marhs.. but we check whether ysabelle was at the mac but she wasnt there so went back to the bus-stop then i saw my last year class monitor T.T aiyoo...but nvm talk anddd crap with mingsiew ahhaas..then went back home. That's all :D Byess today didnt see YANMEI!! RAWRS!!

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