Monday, August 31, 2009

The Happy ending... :DD

Hello!!! :D

Happy Teachers' day to all teachers out there...

Today is Teachers' day and ACES day too. Hahas first and second period no maths and science. Woots i love today where everyone and someone is happy..I smsed carol what to bring and what to wear cos i wasn't sure. I messaged saying must wear Full Pe-Uniform before going to school and must bring uniform, She said yes and she questioned me who i was and i answered it was Dahlia xD. Hahas funny la you carol and then after that went out with brother to school.

While walking, i was looking at the beatiful darkness...hahas anyways its not beautiful..then went in the school. Suddenly, I heard my name, so i turned and saw charmaine. Then We walked up to the staircase to put our bag and changed to our PE-uniform. I went up to put my bag and you know who i saw? Ong peiling (NCDCC) she chasing me and i ran to the classroom and asked her to stop chasing me. .__. Then i saw my classmate hiding his face for what reason -.- and he was wearing specs and he was shy i guess. lols then went up and down to find charmaine. Then skipskip, went to VB court, saw Gary, Siwei, Aaron,Noah playing digging so we joined for awhile.

Then seniors came which was Jessica, Kahman, Ziqinq, Yokelin and Some B divisions.After that carol came along and We all decided to play a match....Then we play it was so fun and duhh enjoyable. xD hahas saw classmates strolling here and there xD. After the training, go to parade square, i was the last person --... Then beside was gary somemore...he kept making strange and irritating noises. Then blahblah, it was running time baby! hahas i ran with char...but then we were finding some volleyballers like mingsiew, mandy, michelle,pris,chelsea,sab and more. Then saw YanMei strolling..hahas SKIPSKIP...I ran after that then saw mr.chin taking photos..aiyo scared..then chiong to reach school, saw noah,gary,char,mingxuan and teachers. SKIPSKIP...during recess time, played VB without even noticing the end of the time. -.- was quite late then skipskip..after school, went to JPS with mingsiew,liping and YANMEI. Woah i saw adzfar,shabrizan,rashid,athirah,yixiang,ezy,farid,hazwan,christabel,zhiyang,aziz..and saw mr.kamarudin..he didnt notice me but i notice him :). hahas then took bus with zhiyang,huiguek,yanmei ...I wanted to go to SQPS..HOHOS no one even remember who is YanMei -,- so went home lorhs...Today got problem, cannot see JPS teachers and some of my friends and ex-classmates. But saw only boys lorh...But nvm that's all Good-byee

Friday, August 28, 2009

I can't say it......Its hurting me alot


Today school was usual and let me begin from the start. Morning, woke up at 5.20am in the morning since i wanted to fast then after that i was waking up my brother up...he's so lazy like carol...HAHAS jkjk i'm not like critisizing you duhh...
Then after that when he wake up, he drink hot milo then got changed and we went out together to school. Then sent him to bus-stop, then we went seperated ways...of cos lah he is primary school while me i'm secondary liao lerhs. Then reached to school, went up classroom, saw afew classmates then yuting and peiling want to go down to the staffroom there to breathe in fresh air ;p...hehes then i wanted to go morning training so they followed me and then saw some volleyballers there...then peiling,yuting were watching me play and then they went back to the classroom.
I partner with char and mandy partner digging. Then saw B division team training also then hear the Bell rang then went back to the classroom. I was quite wet honestly....then went up the staircase and saw mingxuan outside the classroom. He very poor thing nias...then went in lorhs then Mdm ros told me to come earlier....then i said okay then greeted her. Sit at my place and then started reading book silently. Then blahblah it was D & T lessons, did Working drawing, drilling, burning and blahblah..Love it! Then after that was recess, char dragged me to the VB court to play with her then i went out of the court because there was a english must go classroom 10 minutes earlier before bell rings...Then reaching there liao lerhs, saw mandy then she chat with me then saw mdm ros. She asked me to help her take the eng test up and let the class do it silently. Then i saw some of my classmates at the classroom watching me from the staffroom then saw aaron and siangyao passing by me. Then i took the worksheets and went up the gave out the sheets.
Then started the test lorhs, then after finishing it, marked then give back to teacher to key in the computer.My eng marks were 36.40, Then it was maths, test marks for me...I passed..YIPPPEE~ 33/40..hahas in your face...sorry hors for copying ysabelle words. hahas then did some games which almost wanted me to sleep liaos...hahas then after school, got VB training, looked for carol and went out. Then blahblah...saw mingsiew after that then we went out again, carol & mingsiew wanted to eat noodles and cheese fries so after they ordered. We went to the playground, talking craps there..lols then saw YANMEI!! RAWRS! she say i'm her hostage :/...hahas she chased me here and there. Then saw puisi,her friend and some of my classmates which were malay boys...haiz then went back..then blahblah..trng was fun and that's all good bye :))

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Suffering this alone hurts alot..


Today school was the usual, and let me start from the begining.
It was SS, so the whole class went down to AVA room there to watch movie about when singapore fall ..And the japanese took control of singapore. I was amazed watching it but almost slept there, after that was maths period, did algebra revision and maths quiz. Ok after that was recess, i went down the staircase and saw lengpoh trying to throw stones in the pond. Puisi was there too and so i decided to go there and end up i was with charmaine...following her to the New Block Foyer there under the block to play volleyball. Then after that was science, Mr Jansen scolded the whole class, the teacher was scolding us too and the science test i got 19 out of 30..quite bad ehs? I deproved alot ....Nevermind dahlia think win-win not win-lose :D Then the class joker made aaron and me laugh till like a what liaos. Then it was mdm ros period, did english common test and i did very well for it! :)) so happy nias then it was CME project must do about kindness act...Yoke mun and I partner each other and find plans and the plan was reusing paper and make stars. Quite a good idea ehs? Then i started making the starts and when i was done, i put in on the table and the SY took it and said the star looks cute ..LOL of cos la cute marhs then the aaron..SO "called the expert" aga aga his sci test then he pass leh ..27 out of 30 lehs...then the teacher deducted 1 mark now he got 26 marks! HAHAHS atleast good marhs...Ok after that was school dismissal...saw priscilla, charmaine and her school bro , YANMEI:D, michelle~~ ..and that was it......Ok that's it for today Good-bye :)

Is it some kind of act or wasn't it for real? You used me and now you're trying to use people...not a good thing to do okays....feeling so sad after hearing that bad news....Thank you YanMei and Mandy for telling me the was a bad news anyways......sobs...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

it happens very quickly..slowly..quickly

Hello :]

Today school was as usual and let me start from the beginning. It was MT lesson so the malay students went to MLC to do book review and it was only just 1 period. Then after that was CPA lessons, the subject was about love in powerpoint and today i got screwed up. I'm so unhappy and upset after that period was recess and i wasn't quite feeling well because i was having upset stomach. After that was MDM ROS period, did worksheets and then it was science test after that period. I felt sad because one of the pupils tore the test papers into pieces and the teacher was about to burst out in tears but he was strong to hold his feelings. After that was maths, revision about place value and blahblah....after that was ART. I drew National Day T-Shirt and someone said it was cute but to me it looks like an astranaut suit to me and after that i drew drugs because it was our project marhs. After school, went to look for mingsiew but she was with ysabelle and gang but no worries. I ws with mandy at the comp lab doing IT project and then went home. I saw YanMei:D!!! hahahas You cannot hide lahs xD

I know that someone was using me all along and i did not knew earlier but now i'm wide-opened and ready to becareful.....I felt so sad knowing this

Monday, August 24, 2009

It will be a Bumpy ride..

Hello :DD

Ahem..Ahem, Today school as usual and Form teacher did not come to our class today...Not happy about it since teacher didnt come..Well, first went to school and then went up to the staircase and saw CAROL! she trying to run huh? HAHAS no way, my eyes super sharp one derh lah untill now i havent wear spectacles leh..HELLO?! Then i shouted her name, i mean i did not shout untill everyone was looking at me and isn't it obvious? Ok then she turned to the direction where she heard someone calling her which was me then she stopped then waited for me :)) then she told me to put my school bag and stuffs in my classroom then i will meet her at her classroom. Then i went up, feeling so excited because its like 3 days didn't see Puisi and natalie..Like OMG...When i went in ,i said Hello and then they talked to me abit then i went out to my classroom and went down to carol's classroom. Walao eh, she using phone...think what you wont get caught meh? chey jkjk hahas...Then she told me to wait first, i dont know what was heppening. .__. Then blahblah, went to service at the Volleyball court and they were afew people there like ysabelle,youjie,siwei,gary,noah,anthony?,jiexun,pris? and then i don't know liao lerhs...OKay then serve here and there. Normal thing marhs and I will skip the whole period except for science lessons and after school. Ok during sci lesson, teacher was telling us something then he go and make a cute face. I wondered whether he was acting cute or what then i told yiling about it and she laugh like a DINGDONG BELL xD..LOLS then after school liao lerhs, sit down at the bench near General Office, then saw charmaine and mandy's class at the science lab near the bench. Charmaine today doesnt feel fine and mandy was yawning during the lesson. Ok then blahblah, skipped till the part where we were at the playground with mingsiew,carol,charmaine there, the three of them were eating cup noodles at the playground while me, playing the playground's slide...hahas i so childish and i cant believe it that i love playing the playground.OHMYGAWD. Okay then skipskip, going back to school, passed by some primary school boys and they were talking nonsense then charmaine made a nuisance to carol.hahas poor carol then after that char wanted to throw up...SKIPSKIP inside the bus liaos, sat with mingsiew, mandy, carol in a row...Cool ehs? then hear music from mingsiew's phone :D haha The bumpy ride didnt make me bored at all when i hear songs..Then blahblah reached CCAB warm-up, trained and cool down. went home with mandy, mingsiew and carol by bus 154 then carol took the bus 66 and mingsiew,mandy and I took bus.157 then went straight home liaos. That's all really Good-bye :D

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Training was rather fun

Hello :D

I'm in a good mood today, Of cos lah must be HAPPY everytime but not everytime but sometimes.. Today woke up very early, After all that blahblah, went to school for training and you know what..trng was SO UNBELIEVABLE...I cannot resist it anymore, run here and there then must endure. Met with mingsiew before trng then saw Mr.chinchin...I heard the boys so concern of a name called Felicia Chin...haiyo...Jokers lah they all....hahas! Okay let me remember what happened in the morning....Hmms...Oh yah first was warm-up then it was spiking steps i guess...HAIYA i cant remember .. lols But today very exhausted nia...must walk quickly around the school and there is timing. Then i cannot resist it anymore then i went to rest, Then it was pumping/Push-ups, then carry people. I carried ysabelle with chermaine, Then they carried me, it was chermaine's turn and she was afraid that we will drop her .__. HAhs then we carried her then over liao lerhs. Got the pushing thing arh, i partner with dyman the mandy then partner with chermaine..walao eh she got alot of power..Then i think i sabotaged carol because i throwed my weight in. hahas sorrysorry hors carol aka calories! :) Don't eat too much hors :x Then after all that i cant remember but i remember Mingsiew,chermaine,Carol,mandy,aaron,gary,noah,jiexun,zane and me stayed back to practised some digging. Then we team up with carol,mingsiew and mandy. Awhile later, SEkali i kept saying walao eh whenever the volleyball drop...Then we all kept saying "walao eh"..hahas then blahblah....Help mingsiew to keep the balls then went in the PE room, carol and me were finding olympic balls and i found one at the hula hoop there. Then there was 4 missing olympic balls so mr.chin have to do something about it. Then after all that went to shop bought Ice Lemon tea to break my fast for later on. Then followed carol to buy her food at DJ bakery, got alot of Deejays there you know..Chey JKJK...hahas There got cookies which chermaine liked...hahas Then went home after that when I sent cher and TMS to the bus-stop. That's all Good byee..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm feeling so upset....


Today school as usual, i didnt wait for mingsiew before school because i wanted to train my service.....and was early then i served well then helped to take ball and give to some of the boys and girls. Then...chermaine ask me whether i want to follow her to put her things at the classroom so i went and then she burst out in tears...i dunno why...pls dont ask me :/ okok then blahblah, went to parade sqaure and i guess someone drank my water .__. haiz...but nvm then first period was SS...Watch videos then must do the I C E....not ice hors it stands for I-inference,C- clues, E-explanation/Elaborate....okok we have done this so many times liao lerh but it was fun :D. Then it was maths, aiyo teacher kept scolding our class then after that was recesss~ then science after that was english + CME liaos. Tell you what happen during mdm ros period, She ask us to stand and then greet after that she ask the girls to put their hands at their ears to do 30 sit-ups....I mean you must squat then come up...then she made us redo,redo and redo...walao such an ass..then after the girls done, it was boys turn then they do the same thing as the girls then when it is all finish . She ask us to sit on the floor -.-...wapiang eh but fun hehehs......okok then mark here and there for the eng paper then after all that went back to our seat.Then after school..wait for the DI ZI GUI students to go in the music room and went home by myself... That's all Goooooddd--bye! Hello carol and YanMei:D, Mingsiew! hehes got nothing better to do..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I've come so far yet theres nothing..

Hello :)

Ahem...Ahem..let me clear my throat first..Ok let me begin what happened today, School was usual...hahas okok today i didnt wait for mingsiew nor mandy. I quickly went in school but saw priscilla then we put our bags on the parade square and quickly went straight to service, serve over 4 times.. Woots! Then helped to pick up ball at the drain and give the volleyballers the ball then mingsiew arrived. Then serve here and there..then laugh alot. I Saw afew of my classmates going in by the backgate then when everyone is done, went bck to parade square to do silent reading. When everthing was over, it was malay period so went up to my malay classroom then did comprehension listening then blahblah. After that was CPA, walao eh that NCDCC girl so violent one lorh, she dont know how to do then she beat me nia...then forced me to help her lehs.Who ask her never pay attention to teacher lorhs...GOODGOOD! okay then it was recess time..played VB and ate nuggets. Then played VB with mingsiew,mandy,chermaine,priscilla,doreen,peishan and maybe liping. HAHAS fun! Then after that, i was rushing to go back cos it was mdm ros period liao lerh. Then blahblah...Then it was science after that was maths then ART. Ok i dont want to tell you about what happen during my lessons and so...It was after school liao lerhs, then i dashed to the canteen to eat, then the school bell rang so i went to the bench there to wait for mingsiew but instead she got something on with the miss lee or whatever her name is. The teacher ask them to bring back their books so they brought and gave me some of it to save them xD..after that saw YANMEI:D..then while waiting for them to finish..played vb with pris and chermaine....then mingsiew and her classmates came to take back their books include Yanmei. Then some of them played vb with us but their faces were like sad we didnt know what to do then pris make some funny noises then after that they all went away...pris,cher and me was left behind then saw seniors xD Then blahblah, went to shop, pris bought peanut choc and i bought 100 plus then went mac then went home. AHHH! FINALLY!! goood-bye hors...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Feeling miserable....


Today, woke up at 6.55am but actually vb training will start at 7.30am but must be early 15 minutes but luckily i wasn't late. I walked quickly to the bus-stop which mingsiew was waiting for me then she was really there. Then walked to school and then halfway saw someone familiar then continued walking. Then blahblah, when i reached there, michelle was having a diffcult time coming down from then thingy so i brought a chair then she went down...hahas so funny la because if she come down just like that she will sprained her ankle..Then blahblah, training was AWESOME.. the mr.chin ask us to do our warm-up so we did after that do the endurance part after all that was running around the school 5 rounds. Not tiring la but mingsiew was like...cannot endure it already so i run with her.

Then it was service after that spiking.Then competition with boys....quite awesome ehs. Really la..i did sweat alot man..Okay that's all :) good-bye

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I regretted to get close with you and now i will stick with mingsiew and the volleyballers

Hello :)

Today, school wasn't fine because of that @@#$#%! Wapiang eh, spoiled my mood inthend. Okay i better not start writing about the @#%^&!!!! walao eh..Mingsiew know who is the #%$%* you can ask me or didnt wait for mingsiew......Nevermind tmr barhs :)

Here it begins....
Social studies, i did the SS test...quite easy :/
Mathematics, did a mini quiz and do correction for our last time test.
RECESS: I don't want to talk about it...-sobs-
Science: That @#$^%* is so childish...Freak her attitude!!!! #@%#&
English: The #%#&$*& scolded me because of that@$#@%#!!! walao..
CME: did stories and dialoges(Sry if it spells wrong) .___. Spoiled my mood liaos
After school, waited for mingsiew but she needs to see a doctor with Mr.chin so she went off...leaving the volleyballers in the canteen...while waiting for a Teacher-In-Charge played VB with mandy and a senior. :D Today training...SO SHIOK! :D Really brighten me up! And after training..went home with Mr.chin,Mingsiew,Melvin,Chelsea,Anthony cos we all take bus 157 marhs...Then went mum prepared dinner for me :D That's all..Good-byee Oh saw YanMei and Carol..hehes

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Hello :D

Today, school was not the usual,many crazy things happened. Ok let me start from the beginning.
Before school met mingsiew & mandy and then went to a nearby playground then hors while waiting mingsiew slide down the playground slide. LOL..then i said nothing better to do isit? xD
Then walked to school,went in saw some of my classmates in da classroom some of the latecomers havent come yet. Then i sat down and started reading and thinking what will happen today.
Today, Yiling was super something wrong, Yuting got rashes and i hope she will be fine. First period was Malay lesson...*yawns* so boring lors..Then after that was Computer application then recess.
Recess time, Puisi gave me a biscuit.. so YUMMY to eat. lols... Then ate it till it is finished then went to the excercising place there to call lengpoh cos yiling command me to do... ._______.
Then went to the volleyball court to meet the volleyballers ^^, mingsiew & mandy were talking about tests...o.0 chermaine and gang were playing vb so after that the recess bell rang.
Went up to my classroom and it was assembly then maths..last period was art. Oh F.Y.I yiling is something wrong today, she laugh for no reasons and today she got caught by the teacher and thanks to the Mister siangyao and gang. lols
Well after school, waited for mingsiew and some volleyballers then went to HKE to play vb and then went home. That's all good-bye!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

School :/ Yiling something WRONG TODAY hahas

Hello :)

Today,school was the usual,before going to school, i didn't wait for mingsiew.. :/ AHH! I will wait for her tomorrow.Don't worry! :D
Then reached school, went in the classroom and then saw peiling and puisi at my seat there derh la. Peiling non-stop talking to puisi..sians...zzz. Then puisi haven't change to her PE shirt so we went to the toilet and got changed to our PE Shirt.
Suddenly,Yuting......asked me whether it was me, i said yes then she asked me for tissue so i quickly got changed,ran to the classroom,took the tissue then ran back to the toilet and pass it to yuting.She said she was sweating...lols.Then BLABLAH...went to the NEW BLOCK FOYER...People started chasing me xD i disturb them marhs...LOL It was our 2.4km retest run...diaos must run again! AHH! my leg will cramp again like right now.. T.T. Atleast i pass my test..hehes 1152 lehs my timing ..good hors?
After the run, leg cramps started then blahblah walked back to school then saw YANMEI:D,Mingsiew,Ysabelle and the people who i am familiar with. Hahas! They playing badminton and volleyball.
I was watching them maths and IT teacher scolded us le...The teacher even shouted..sians..Well,recess time watch ppl play badminton and vb then find mingsiew. Then it was maths lesson then after that. HAHA, roxy sharing me her joke.. -.- lols Okay that's it! THE MUSIC TEACHER LIKE A WHAT NIA! >:( walao Okay went home with mingsiew and good-byees. wish me goodluck for tmr sci test

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mistakes can be learnt from..

Hello :D
Today, so boring lorhs all i can do is eat,sleep,read and watch television(OKTO).Just now chat with YANMEI:D..hehes talking about Joei..lols i won't post the evil plan down here.HEHES so evil aren't we?
Well, mistakes can be learnt from...well, YILING has calm down her anger and theres no war right? well, I am wondering what will happen tomorrow. I'm feeling so bored,can anyone chat with mee? T.T sobs...That -->T.T aaron always like to do..HAHAS act cute and when i woke up in the morning, i will remember about the pasts..From noob to pro..hahas Like an example, A caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly..That's me, I've changed to a pro now..
I haven't study for my science yet!! AHH i need to panic :/ Wish me luck on this wednesday sci test okay people! From yesterday, waiting for mingsiew to online in msn..but end up at night time which that part was i switch off the comp liao lerhs. So, maybe i should off now and then later online right hors?
Well,tmr i'm goin to wait for mingsiew before going to i will be quite late for tmr :) So Good-byeee :))

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Funny ad of cadbury from youtube

LOl i got nothing better to do :/ xD ..I know that once mingsiew see this..she sure laugh ..:D

This is only entertainment..

Boring weekends

Hello,YO! :D

Yesterday morning, woke up around 8am...then washed myself up and then ate breakfast then read storybook(Angels&demon) then decided to switch on my computer and start blogging but i didnt post anything yesterday cos nothing to write. So post today la...actually i was waiting for mingsiew yesterday end up she own up at night time but that time i switch off my comp liao lerh. Yesterday online in MSN..saw YanMei:D ONLINE so i chat with her..BWAHAHAS!! we were talking about our new Inventor's blog...No tagboard lehs..pls put in le..I beg you! Yesterday i was reading MINGSIEW,carol,YANMEI,chelsea,sabrina,michelle,joei,yiling,doreen,liping,ysabelle,faizah's blog..tagging all of their blogs ..hahas amazing le.. Well, now im going to start reading people's blog now..BYE :]

Friday, August 7, 2009

Funny National Day :D

Hello :D

Today is Singapore national day! So waited for mingsiew at the bus-stop,then went to a nearby playground and played to wait for mandy. Then saw mandy, walked to school and crap some jokes..Wah! so many wearing red T-shirt! hehes..Then...went in the school, went up to my classroom with mingsiew cos she last floor marhs...then a song was played hahas...the NDP song lols where i belong...lalal~ hahas then we laughed and went to our classrooms. Then, almost reaching to the classroom, saw Mdm ros coming liaos so quickly went it then sat down at my seat. Some of them wearing Full uniform and red T-Shirt. Then mdm ros talk,talk...then the part was cutting and writing + paste! I was cutting and then pasted behind the classroom noticeboard :D. Oh F.Y.I My class won the first prize :D. Okay today was a fun day and OMG FUNNY!! hahas Took photos lorhs, then aaron,siang yao, yuzhe,joshua,yiling,jeff and whatever people joking there and here. HAHAS i love it :D laughing is the BEST medicine :D... After all that...went to the new block foyer, saw michelle,sab,chels,ysabelle and some of the boys. Then I asked chermaine to give me a handmade heartshapes :D so she gave me one..So pro la she.. Then i was wondering where is mingsiew....because teacher asked us to wait till they come so he can start talking..He talked about BLAHBLAH..Then after all that.. Mingsiew wanted to know what happen so she waited for chermaine..Went to the bookshop bench sat there and waited for chermaine..Michelle and pris was there..hahas so bored till i slept for awhlie :P..
Then when its all done, went to BBT shop bought plain waffle then walked to the bus-stop to send mingsiew home marhs.. but we check whether ysabelle was at the mac but she wasnt there so went back to the bus-stop then i saw my last year class monitor T.T aiyoo...but nvm talk anddd crap with mingsiew ahhaas..then went back home. That's all :D Byess today didnt see YANMEI!! RAWRS!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Laugh Out Loud Day xD

Yo wassup?

HEHES...sry people that this font can't be seen :/. Got error lehs X(. Ok..let me tell you at the beginning..

Waited for mingsiew and then played at the nearby playground to wait for mandy..everytime we come to school, can see JOEI & SYLVIAAAA~ XD... Then reached to the school's gate ..joei almost wanted to zaee me then went in the gate and then saw MR.CHIN ...WOOTS AWESOME!! HE'S BACK :D Then quickly went back to classroom...late liaos marh anout 7.20 am :/ ... Then, i went in the classroom, greet teacher and then walked to my seat and sat then i saw candy.. LOL! who give me one derh la..then i dontt care, i didnt touch it but you know who took was SIANG YAO but nvm la. Then first period was social studies, Yiling kept passing letters to me and then the AARON so concern lors...then the aaron's gang joking here and there..making me laugh izit.. :/ Then after that period was SCience ar...laugh here there the blahblah...SKIP the rest of the periods. After school, called my mum and then went,packed and went off. Walking back to school, saw YANMEI <3 HEHES :D said hello then quickly walked to the canteen but saw JEFF o.O he told me he saw my friends but i didnt care i smiled :D hahas. Then,saw mandy,sabrina and chelsea. Chelsea asked mandy to take care of her volleyball so mandy said she doesnt want soi i tale care of it lorhs. Then i was looking for mingsiew i went to the new block foyer then saw michelle,chermaine and priscilla + the 2E7 guy. He thought im goin to play vb but instead i was lookin for mingsiew.... then went to the air-con there, saw yiling,brandon,puisi,crystal and lengpoh. They wanted to play badminton but the teacher wont let them.. then i didnt find her so i went back to the canteen..then sekali got one guy said hello...then when i turn it was YUSHENG :D then brought my things near the PE room...then saw MINGSIEW..Melvin sekali..then i took care of the things..then lalalla~ Then we all changed to the Jerseys and then went to the canteen because mingsiew want to eat mehs...then while mingsiew was eating...i saw PEILING with her NCDCC uniform...then i said hello and she replied me also la. Then never see carol le :/ then went CCAB, got transport to there but no transpor to come back...Training so fun :D ...After training went back home with Mingsiew,Mandy,Melvin and Mr Chin..see saw many M's. xD then talk crap and laughed alot..talking about inderjit hahas sharp nose can poke one... Then blahblah..went back home peacefully :D And thats it Good-byeeeeeeee

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Yo! what's up and what's down?

Today school not normal, many things happen but i can't tell you because it gives me the creeps. Before going to school, meet mingsiew then go to a nearby playground to wait for mandy. Then we play at the playgroud..hahas i'm so childish :/. Well, nowadays people change and many things change too. Ysabelle and jason didnt come to school because maybe they are sick...Haiz, get well soon ya! Homework are now hunting me down and there are lots of it to do...But nevermind..i done liao see i chiong till liddat. xD Well, saw YANMEI after school..HAHAS! MIRACLES DO HAPPEN :D After schoo, walked home with mingsiew,actally waited for carol but inthend she was with her classmates...sien la..But nevermind still got mingsiew,chermaine and blahblah....then while waiting saw chermaine..ahahas The so called the giraffe hehs! Okay then after that see them go in the bus then go home barhs. THat's all! Oh ya, Yiling and mingsiew are chatting with me now in MSN :D hehes... Oh well..see ya and GOODBYE :D

Monday, August 3, 2009

i'm upset and happy at the same time :/

YO! wassup? sry that this font cant be seen properly because of the INTERNER :/. Well, today school was usual but then when hear the announcement about 1E8 & 1N4 cannot come for the ordinary recess n assembly cos their classmates are sick.So cannot see mingsiew,ysabelle,priscilla during recess and assembly lor..siens.. Then i disturb yiling,peiling and aaron!! during PE lessons, i played VB with brandon,mingxuan,nabilah,hafizah,yokemun,siangyao,crystal,aishah...did i miss anyone out? lols Well, they play so funny one xD then the aaron la walao anyhow say I nub:/ he more noober :D. Then, the siangyao always want to "SMACK DOWN" aka spike lols...hit anyhow but nice le better then JB xD. Then after that went to see mingsiew's class...there were peishan,liping,doreen,melvin and of cos mingsiew xD. I drew closer and sat on the drain. Then played vb after that raced to the classroom cos it was english lesson. THEN blahblah...must draw something about SINGAPORE and then must paint it.. But that aaron hor go put paint on me..HAHA i revenged back...using black paint xD..AARON THE GIANT AND GLAMOROUS!! Then blablah...after school, go near the General Office and sit at the bench there and waited for carol n mingsiew but carol was tooo busy go home with mingsiew,went to Ninja Underwear turtle club (NTUC) to go buy can drinks. Then went home after that. F.Y.I tmr gonna wait for mingsiew in the morning :D.....Bye peeplos