Saturday, September 5, 2009

This feeling hurts me alot..

Hello :]

Long time no post, I did not post anything since I was having training and hw + projects. I haven't even started doing my Art & Craft project yet and I got no ideas at all seriously. My mind is so blank...Oh my goodness. I will no post anything about thses past few days but I will start posting about what happen today. Let me begin.....

Ahem...Ahem...Nowadays i kept coughing because of the haze.....So let me begin. Woke up at around 5am and ate breakfast which was bread and Biscuits. After eating, Lie down on the bed but didn't fell asleep so I was thinking what will happen today, VERY curious you know. I waited till it was 5.30, I didnt fell asleep again so waited and chit-chat with my big sister (Roxy) about maplestory and school stuffs. Atlast it was 6.30, bathed, changed to PE-uniform, Pack things and went off. Reach school, saw PRISCILLA, char, michelle, zane then they were waiting at the canteen table waiting for Mr.chin. Atlast, Mr.chin, mingsiew, carol come liaos so we all went up all. Did match with B div girls, B div boys, C div boys too and there were really Oh my goodness...I really tried my best and the team too. Charmaine tmr going overseas liaos T.T No char anymore....But dont worry got pris, michlle, mingsiew, carol and more....We'll be missing charmaine for how many weeks or days...haiz..Good-bye..

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