Friday, September 18, 2009

Open Sesame... :D:D

Hello :D

Today, bro don't need go to school because of PSLE lorhs. So I go to school with Roxey, she skipped the first bus. 99 because she dislike the new "improved" bus..hahs.. she wants the old one.

When the old Bus.99 come liaos, she took it and then i walked to school alone lorhs. Reached school, straight to volleyball court but it was too early o.O They havent take the volleyballs from the PE room yet. Then serve here and there. Boys were there and carol was there too to serve. The mingxuan hors, came to watched us but it seems like aaron wants to chase him out by attacking him. I told mingxuan to go because they were attacking him but he said, dont worry...they wont attack me because they missed. After awhile, he walked away, sadly...hahas! This carol misunderstood me manz.... -.- Hahas! Neverminds...

First period was D & T, drill here, hammer there, clean up here, nail there. So fun la D & T :D:D one thing...the powerpoint slides so boring...Yawn.. Then i helped Yokemun to take her bag up after recess was english period. No Mdm ros, everyone was like jumping up & down joyfully. -..-...We did english worksheets which doesnt make sense at all! You ask me, I ask who? -..- lols.. After that was maths period, did maths test...Freak! sure fail arhs :x like afew questions can't do lehs... wah....

After that was volleyball meeting, jersey selection and they chose navy blue addidas and the shorts so .....haHAS went straight home with charmaine after that. :D Good-bye ....I changed liaos the wavy to navy hors! LOL..

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