Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunburn... T.T

Hey there! :D

School was WICKED! Let me skipped what I did in the morning, ok about school. I walked passed the temple near huayi sec, send bro to bus-stop and then walked at the long way -.-. Reach school liao lerhs, walked here and there then saw carol..Oh my gawd....I was wondering why she did not come for training today. Ok nvm...went to service, disturb charmaine! HAHAHAS! I'm so bad, i know.. just kidding! hahas, she's not feeling well and I hope she will recover soon :D. Sorry that i disturb you hors. hhas. Went back classroom, went in and greeted mdm ros and then she told me to come earlier next time.. But i was like..........................skipskip. AFter school, training! Yeah..Did warm-ups, drills and spar with the boys. Haiz..why nowadays very sien one lorhs...Haiz...I went back home with michelle,mingsiew and priscilla.. they took bus 187 while me i walked home.I Hope tmr will be another great day. :D:D That's all byeeeee

I'll support you till the end and I really mean it. Side by side will be there for you always. :D:D We rox! hahahahahahs

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