Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What i did was nothing to you.. -.-

Well, nothing to post actually...Just wanna show you one song .

Saturday, September 26, 2009

In the end, it doesnt even matter..

Hello :D

Yesterday & today was my enjoyable day way by, my old friends came to my house to visit us or something o.O..SLEEPOVER for 1 night cos they lazy go home..:D I'm currently studying my maths and soon it will be english. Yesterday, my cousin came to our house for Hari Raya and they eat, drink and play congkak lorhs. -.-" You know what? My friends, saraniyah, Saranisha and saranesan played with us blind mice at the playground. So late at night somemore...Laugh so much too -.-..hahs climb here and there like a monkey..I didn't know i was that active and childish still..LOL!

After that, played volleyball..I'm not alone...Saraniyah is a volleyballer from Greenridge sec and so we played with Fafaa (Sist) and Saranisha. Well, it was fun and then went home. You know that irritating baby toy that my friend brought..dont worry, she is only primary one from Pioneer primary -.-...So irritating, somemore can pee and drink from the baby water. Hahs...then the Maplers: roxy(Sarah), ches(Haidar), boiboi (Saranesan) playing maplestory like almost 24 hours! -.-...But i stopped them and told them to take a break so they did.

F.Y.I...Jiayous xXRoxymages on leveling to lvl 120 bishop la hors! woots and Jiayou to the yuhua secondary 1 pupils for their EYE! :D

After that, cousin went home...saraniyah and siblings still at my house.....They called their mother whether they can sleepover and the mother responsed angrily and said yes. Hahas...then played volleyball again, bought toothbrush and then brushed teeth. Sleep lorhs...Today sent them home at the nearby market bus-stop. Boiboi dont fight with your sister la hors...hahas ..Ok that's all :D.. Byebye

Friday, September 25, 2009

Parappa the rapper... :D

Hello everyone :D...
pls watch this video and i hope you like it that's all :D

Bye that's all!

you ask me..i ask who

Real name → Dahlia... :D

Nickname(s) → SD!! x)

Zodiac sign → I don't know :O

Male or female → Female -.-"

Friends → Lots of them... :D:D

Hair color → Black.. -.-

Long or short Hair → Long Hair!:D (duhh...-.-)

Loud or Quiet → Both, sometimes :D (-.-)

Sweats or Jeans → Jeans (Oh yeah! :D:D)

Phone or Camera → Don't know lehs..(I want..I don't want..)

Drink or Smoke → NO! (Runs way)

Do you love someone? → LOL? ( Honestly, I love everyone! :D)

Eat or Drink → Both :D (Of course, its like my everyday life)

Piercings → No way..

Tattoos → I dont want to destroy my skin (T.T..)


First piercing → Oh yeah..

First best friend → Err....Yap Lee Yuan (Oh yeah!!! :])

First award → Yeah..

First crush → MAPLESTORY! hahahs

First pet → Turtle - errr...

First big birthday → I don't remenber (Memory low liaos..)

Eating → Bread :D

Drinking → Plain water ...

I'm about to → play maple. :D (Of course, i'm stalking roxy! :x)

Listening to-> Music (Linkin Park-Leave out all the rest)

Plans for today → Lots of it manz..(Brain damage ...JK! :P)

Waiting for → Bro to come back!! (Come home now! >:()

Trouble maker or hesitant → LOL? (laughoutloud)

Lost glasses/contacts → For what? I got sharp eyes :P

Ran away from home → yes :D In a game...

Snif Gum/Smoking → None (Say NO to this!)

Killed somebody → yes D; (In maplestory ..hehes)

Broke someone's heart → Of course!>:D (Break till cry.. -.-)

Been arrested → Yeah T_T (When i was playing Police & theif with my friends)

Cried when someone died → No way..Cried for awhile..

DO YOU BELIEVE IN Yourself → Yes! :D:D

Miracles → Yes ! Its true..

Heaven → Yes! :D

Hell → -.-

Santa Claus → hehes...No

Byebye... :D

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm in love with it..

Today school was usual, service early in the morning and digging too. Suddenly, gray clouds appeared and it was raining. The wind was SHIOK! hahas...Ysabelle was enjoying it while walking back to the classroom. hahas..

First & second period: Social Studies....Teacher talked about discipline because my classmates were fighting...wasted alot of time and did revision since exams were coming. After that third & forth period: Maths...Did woksheets and marking...RECESS~ Played volleyball with priscilla, carol, ysabelle, mingsiew and charmaine. Then it was science, i got 53/100 for my sci test (-.-) atleast pass lehs..English....did questions and writing.CME: did about The cyberwise thingy..i forget liaos what's the full name.. -.-"...

After school, ate lunch with Puisi and Peiling....then they went in the dizigui room. While i was with yokemun, crystal and zahirah. We were talking to our maths teacher about MATHS...hahs Mr yap came back liaos...saw him walking up the stairs :O. hahas..then they all went to MLC, while me i search for priscilla and the volleyballers at the new block foyer. There were, pris, michelle, aaron and ysabelle. They were doing hw, esp ysabelle and pris. Aaron was there to help out there too. Played vb with michelle, then ysabelle joined in too...After that they all joined to play volleyball. Hahas..then 3.30pm liaos...all the dizigui students all come out then liping, mingsiew, peishan, charmaine and doreen joined us to play volleyball too. Then went home after that. That's all! Good-bye :]

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I will promise you...

School was usual, early in the morning ..actually not. I went to service and did digging too after that went to assemble at the parade square. After that, it was MT lesson..yawn.. After that was CPA lessons...AHAHA..very funny you know..LOLs i was trying to take my bag, my shoes didnt have friction anymore then fell on the ground on my knees. HAHAS LMAO..okays..did revision...Can do lahs :P:P The teacher promised us if we behaved very well, we will go to the comp lab to play our own games and we really did go there. I did nothing there but i was busy being a busybody going round ..I watched them played facebook-bookface xD...Ok after that was RECESS...

Blahblah...Mdm Ros period, read magazines and do activities. Science period, TEST! Oh my flowers! Never study/revise -.-...But i can do some of it..ATLEAST..Hahas..Maths, did worksheets and revisions. ART and Craft...The whole class were noisy, Mr su even came in......AFTER SCHOOL~ First thing first....Went down, saw PRISCILLA~ we were waiting for charmaine at the General Office there but Charmaine was not there.....Look for her at canteen, saw her and then pris went her own way~ She went outside to buy candies...Then blhablah...stayed back till 4.30pm because of the producer...IT lessons one lah...After that...walked outside school, pris fighting with her classmate..JOKING only lahs..hahas then the funniest thing was pris's classmate wanted to hug charmaine...HAHAS ROFL! hilarious..too painful la my stomach ...hahas OK that's all went home straight with pris and charmaine. Good-bye :D

I promise you that..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You do not exist in my life...

Today , woke up super early because of sist(Roxey)..I also dunno why (-.-") But nevermind, it was 5.30am only lehs...Changed,Eat, send bro to school and then reached school. Service :D:D!! Woots Atlast ! After that, went assemble at parade ground.. read book silently and then went for PE lessons. While walking there, I saw mingsiew, Ysabelle, Peishan, Liping and doreen walking upstairs to go to the toilet to get changed. Then reached there liaos, went changed...end-up saw mingsiew and friends inside toilet...Hahas! BLAHBLAH! PE lessons, so -.-......very violent derhs because of this people playing.....ahemahem!......Aftwr PE was english...Like it! NOT!

Lessons were filing and marking paper..many things happen....RECESS!! PLAYED volleyball with charmaine, carol, mingsiew, ysabelle, sabrina, chelsea, priscilla!! hahas! michelle was there too but she watched us play volleyball. AFter recess, maths...........Did worksheets and marking. After that was IT ...Clay...Music after that..............Hear excerpts arhs..AIYA i dunno lahs then do worksheets. AFTER SCHOOL~~ send yuting under her block there, walking back to school then saw natalie, puisi, yiling walking to yuting's block. They were doing IT PROJECT so i joined in too even though i'm not in their group. walked here and there....did homework (-.-)...........Okay that's it! went home after late~I have enough of it lahs...Good-bye! :D

Friday, September 18, 2009

Open Sesame... :D:D

Hello :D

Today, bro don't need go to school because of PSLE lorhs. So I go to school with Roxey, she skipped the first bus. 99 because she dislike the new "improved" bus..hahs.. she wants the old one.

When the old Bus.99 come liaos, she took it and then i walked to school alone lorhs. Reached school, straight to volleyball court but it was too early o.O They havent take the volleyballs from the PE room yet. Then serve here and there. Boys were there and carol was there too to serve. The mingxuan hors, came to watched us but it seems like aaron wants to chase him out by attacking him. I told mingxuan to go because they were attacking him but he said, dont worry...they wont attack me because they missed. After awhile, he walked away, sadly...hahas! This carol misunderstood me manz.... -.- Hahas! Neverminds...

First period was D & T, drill here, hammer there, clean up here, nail there. So fun la D & T :D:D one thing...the powerpoint slides so boring...Yawn.. Then i helped Yokemun to take her bag up after recess was english period. No Mdm ros, everyone was like jumping up & down joyfully. -..-...We did english worksheets which doesnt make sense at all! You ask me, I ask who? -..- lols.. After that was maths period, did maths test...Freak! sure fail arhs :x like afew questions can't do lehs... wah....

After that was volleyball meeting, jersey selection and they chose navy blue addidas and the shorts so .....haHAS went straight home with charmaine after that. :D Good-bye ....I changed liaos the wavy to navy hors! LOL..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Running away and hiding under the bench..

I'm back people! :)

I did alot of exploring and imaging in school today. I do not want to tell you about my lessons but I will tell you what happen after school.

After school......Puisi, natalie and Iwent to Bubble tea shop to buy Milo Ice-blended and then meet yiling under her block. While walking there, We saw aaron & gang playing or whatever they doing. I don't care ! hahas.....Then meet yiling and then went in school back again. Its like someone is controlling me and she uses me alot manz... Look for volleyballers when the school bell rang, Saw PRISCILLA~ hahas Mingsiew too with her classmate. Mingsiew was trying out the new training shirt. Hahas, and something fuuny happen......Please la i dont want to tell you about this, really funny till i was ROFL. HAHAS.........Then the chinese students went in the music room for dizigui. While me, i was with Kahman and Lynette. They were doing their homework :D:D hahas....Then waited ofr charmaine, pris and michelle. Went home after all that.. That's it! i was late anyways.....coming back home at 6pm plus somemore then can hear the dingdong bell.... -.- hahas Good-bye :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello everyone :D

Well, School today weren't FINE to me because I was pissed off but I quite controlled my feelings. :). Well, today lessons that I like most is Science, English (alittle bit :x), MATHS and I really do not like MT. You know why? Look below:

1. The teacher is so >.<

2. I do not understand a thing -.-

3. Boring....Yawn so many times

That's why, you noticed me speaking english alot manz instead of malay. Er..I dont even like speaking malay at first lorhs (-.-). Okay, SKIP the subject about hatred, AFter school time~~ DINGDONGDINGDONG! hahas .......I gone mad, you know why? I went up and down the staircase to look for charmaine and some volleyballers lorhs. End-up find Mel-Melvin but I was ignoring his comments like, O horh..Dahlia, Didnt go for Oral and I was like .__. ....Then went up, the girls went in classroom while I was like running here and there. I went in and out at the classroom . Wah, then saw MDM Inderjit, and she got a funny name which is........hahas cant tell ya people! HAHAS you must ask the NA students, they go create one lorhs. Charmaine even said Mdm inderjit look so disgusting till she wanna puke. HAHS :x opps lols. During Oral, the oral teacher is Mrs Foo? i guess...Wah, her english very good nias...Called my name so beautifully..Dahliaaa~ hahahs. I wasnt nervous at all lorhs, I was doing meditation before taking oral. HAHAS!

Crap alot in the classroom while we were waiting for our turn. Talked about Hari Raya... LOL! hahas Maszini was the last and i was the 2nd last. Hohos! i very good lorhs, I wished everyone Good Luck marhs....hahs! You know what? I was too forgetful till i greeted the teaher good morning...HAHS then she said its good afternoon ..Dahlia. And i was like..Oh well, Good afternoon Mrs foo again..

hahas Then it was my turn, and I was like trying to calm down myself cos i was starting to mumble. Then the conversation part was dam funny, I made the examiner laugh...seriously hahas...She asked me what happens if Mdm ros caught you not paying attention and you know how i answered back. I answered, She will make us do squats and put our hands on our ears. She questioned me what happened after that and I said my legs were jelly. She then started laughing and said I won't forget this. Hahas! Then after oral, put back the chair in the classroom and walked away. Then i saw Priscilla and we were like questioning each other about the oral and where are the volleyballers like that.

Then we went mac cos pris smsed mingsiew where she was, then reach there and saw them playing volleyball which were liping, mingsiew, ysabelle,peishan, doreen and .....Watched them play and then crap jokes about Teachers which look funny. Hahas ! That's all..Good-bye :D:D

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm feeling down but I'm strong...HAHAHAHS ;P

Hello people :D:D

Yay! woots! -clapclap- got blogger toolbar liaos and I;m like WOOOOOOOTING down here. hahas. I want to skip the part what I did in the morning so let me start when I reach school. I went to service to serve here and there. Woah..I sweat till my uniform like wet like that derh lahs and so after that was assemble at parade square and sit there to do pledge taking. After that was PE, it ends when it all started when my friend was down so i stopped and was there for her. :D:D

After PE lesson, it was english lesson...............................SKIPSKIP after school liaos, roam everywhere in school and outside the school with charmaine. She even met her last year classmate and they chat for awhile then went back school. It was checking weight and height before training and its like i gained 4kg and i didn't even grow taller yet. AHHH! I want to do a plan...hehehes...after that was stretching, digging, setting and that Ysabelle made that scary stare which wasn't scary at all but it was funny. HAHAS! Okay I accompanied Mingsiew, Pris, Michelle, Carol, Ysabelle and some volleyballers to Mac. Played VB and then.....................................Went home after that and that's all. I hope Charmaine will recover soon from that soar throat thingy :]. Exams are coming, stress are visiting us soon and I hope i will get good marks :}. Okay Good-bye

The way you stare at me, gives me the shivers but I'm strong enough to Laugh Out Loud XDXD.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunburn... T.T

Hey there! :D

School was WICKED! Let me skipped what I did in the morning, ok about school. I walked passed the temple near huayi sec, send bro to bus-stop and then walked at the long way -.-. Reach school liao lerhs, walked here and there then saw carol..Oh my gawd....I was wondering why she did not come for training today. Ok nvm...went to service, disturb charmaine! HAHAHAS! I'm so bad, i know.. just kidding! hahas, she's not feeling well and I hope she will recover soon :D. Sorry that i disturb you hors. hhas. Went back classroom, went in and greeted mdm ros and then she told me to come earlier next time.. But i was like..........................skipskip. AFter school, training! Yeah..Did warm-ups, drills and spar with the boys. Haiz..why nowadays very sien one lorhs...Haiz...I went back home with michelle,mingsiew and priscilla.. they took bus 187 while me i walked home.I Hope tmr will be another great day. :D:D That's all byeeeee

I'll support you till the end and I really mean it. Side by side will be there for you always. :D:D We rox! hahahahahahs

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Holidays ending...

Hello everyone :D

As you can see, I do not have any blogger toolbar and now I cannot put colours. Well, Let me start off from the beginning in the morning. Woke uo at around 5.20am to eat then prayed after that then sleep. Slept till around 12pm like that, walked to the living room to see roxey play the lapotop. o.O She watching Parappa in youtube then blahblah.

After that, went to tuition at clementi that means i have to take bus 185 to reach there. I went out the house around 2pm and then reach there at around 3pm like that and some mediacorp reporters was there. o.O lols! hahas then my siblings and I went up the staircase and went seperated ways. My sister open the door and there were only nabilah and teacher there only. Then my friend asked me to lend her my book because she forgot to bring -.- and you know what she only brought a pen and a diary along with her only. (-.-) Then read here and then revise. Prayed there and went home :D. When I reached home, changed to home clothes and then play laptop, did plurk and maplestory XDXD. MAPLESTORY ROCKS! FTW hahas....Okay that's all...anyways tmr holiday ends and school will start tmr!! ahhh! time to pack bag -.- byee all :):)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Woah..My stomach hurts

Hello everyone :D

Training today wasn't tough, it was about reviews about the court positioning. After that, was like doing some warm-ups, after training went to Mcdonald with Charmaine, Mingsiew, Mr.chin and me. I regretted following them seriously, you know what happen? Let me begin, Mr.Chin asked us what do we want to eat and then I was like ....then the mingsiew hors say that I want Mcspicy lorhs...then he quickly went to order lorhs. I thought he was joking but then i heard him saying "Mcspicy" and Charmaine was like...we're doomed...hahas! Charmaine and I wanted to run away actually but it was too late! Aww....then he and mingsiew came liaos with that Mcspicy and some food. Then charmaine, quickly take the smaller one but then Mr.chin said that we were suppose to share so he gave us the double one. Then were like...awww man.. Then charmaine started eating the burger but not the meat yet. Oh i remembered something, while eating, Mr.Chin said that he will be bringing his nephews to Orchard Road?..Mingsiew said Charmaine later will be going there too then charmaine said No ah which is also meant was NOAH! hahas then Mr.Chin said, Charmaine is going out with Noah to Orchard Road. Then we started laughing out loud and then charmaine kept saying No ah...No ah..HAHAS! That mingsiew hors...sabotaged charmaine...poor thing hahas just kidding! I laughed till my stomach was in pain...That Mr.Chin made another joke that was Charmaine dancing on the long table with a broom because there was music....Hoho..he said mingsiew will take the flag and then will waved it around. Charmaine will carry the guy on top of her head and will turn him around liddat. Charmaine was laughing till her face was pink-ish. After that, he said charmaine can perform in the volleyball thingy...then she will dance like the bandslam liddat. Anyways, I'm doing a countdown about the fasting...8 MORE DAYS! going to end baybeh! AIYO! ATLAST! Done...i'm so lazy to post seriously...Good-byee!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I prayed and it was sucessful...

Hello everyone :D

Today morning, i woke up at 5am the usual and ate breakfast. After that, lay down on the bed for awhile like about 20 minutes then went to bathed and got changed to my jersey. My siblings were making alot of noises but still roxy can sleep lehs...hahas I was roxy sleep liao leh? then why Fafaaa and Ches havent sleep yet and then so noisy somemore. When i was ready, went out and i went to the Mac there to check if mingsiew or carol come liao lerhs but haven't so i went to the Bus-stop there and then decided to stand under the shade. Luckily, Mr.chin and mingsiew arrived liaos so i don't need to stand there and observe things. Walked to mac, then saw some elderly people doing some exercises which were quite ask me to go join them but i rejected XD i not that old okays and then went in Mac then blahblah...Carol arrived already liaos then walked to school. Passed by coffee shop then blahblah. Played volleyball early in the morning and somemore we were so hyper. Serve here, recieve there and blahblah................After that it was going to outram park sec match there. Wah, BIG bus leh, then mingsiew,mandy,carol and I sat behind in a row. The bus ride was bumpy like i almost wanted to throw up....but didnt throw up of course. Mingsiew,carol and mandy were hearing music during the bus ride while me, i was observing things...BORING~ then Ysabelle was doin something funny and Michelle was laughing suddenly so i focused on them and then they were doing funny things. Oh btw michelle is so dam funny and cute when she wants to take a photo of you she has to bend untill like it was so hilarious. HAHAS! Then blahblah...reach there liaos, greeted the Outram park C div girls and their coach. Then we won...4-1 lehs..oh my gawd..Lucky I prayed..hahas sucessful manz...Then after that Mr.chin brought us to lunch, went kopitiam, subway and Ice-cream. LOLS! what a day! Tired right now...I want to sleep like a pig right now...:/. Okay after that took train, then blahblah..sab,michelle and ysabelle drop off at JE while mingsiew,pris and Mr.chin drop off at chinese garden. Mingsiew says theres another version which is Malay garden...hahas then my mind was indian graden or not?..hahas then Mandy,carol and I drop off at Lakeside there, carol jaywalk and took the bus while mandy and i walked home. While walking home, saw zimin, yoke lin and some friends there playing badminton then I waved at zimin. hahas...Then reached home liaos. Ok that;s all byebye-byebye

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hello XD rofl

Today training was super wicked! XD hahas, Oh well, Before trainng waited for carol but i saw mingsiew in the bus and she also wanted to wait for carol so we did waited for her at the Mc. While waiting, mingsiew talked to me about the message.....hahas, I can't believe it but its maybe a good choice hor mingsiew? hahas...After awhile, Mr.chin came and waited too. The first expression i did was a slight smile then after that it was funny...really hoho! Okay , Carol came after that then walked to school, saw MELMEL..melvin walking alone to school....sians...he so emo JKJK..hahas then reach school, saw michelle,Ysabelle,Priscilla and the boys. SKIPSKIPSKIP, when everyone came liaos, we did warm-ups, run 1 round around the school and after that we did mind what thingy..sit down in a circle and think of those sucessful things in volleyball..Then after that did free spike, the setter set then we spike marhs. Then blahblah, did recieving and i made some cool funny sound effects till the team ROFL. hahas...really way cool after trng.......blahblah accompany mingsiew & carol to BBT to buy cheese fries. Mr.chin wa sthere too o.O...hahas the most funny thing is carol was sitting on the plastic stool and then a cat just walked there and then she like ran away. Hahas , when the cat meowwww...she also so scared and then Mr.chin siad," Scary cat"...huhu made my tummy so pain now..oh my goodness..hahas then walked to bus-stop, carol went home by bus 98 while Mingsiew,Mr.chin and me went to the opposite bus-stop waiting there but instead we went to Macdonald's to take a look with Ysabelle and gang. While walking, saw Ex-Jps I was quite shocked, they have turn bad...We were looking for them inside the mac but they were outside there eating. Blahblah...talked about training today..skipskip went home after that. That's all..wish me luck for tmr Outrum sec match....Oh please i beg you...hahas Good-bye :D

Monday, September 7, 2009

To talk to charmaine, pls go to michelle's tagboard..

Hello :DD

Today, Training was so tiring and it was tiring till my left thumb twisted now its hurting. Don't worry, it will be okay soon...well to start now is that training just now was about to recieve a ball properly but some of us did our best to not let the ball drop in the court just like Michelle,Mingsiew,carol,priscilla,ysabelle and mandy. You people did great manz...You all rock! hahas as for the setter, she's doing well but tiring for her...:) Woah, Training was like if the girls lost the game, we must run around the Volleyball court 10 rounds..And we really did..2 times somemore..But we won't do it again...Well, no chelsea and charmaine its like someone's missing liddat. Haiz.....Well, if you want to talk to charmaine, go to michelle's tagboard to talk to her as she will everyday visit michelle's blog. So okay that;s Good-bye :D:D

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It happens so fast..

Hello =D

Today, woke up at i think i had forgotten the time so nevermind. I went to the bathroom to wash up and then eat. Lie down on the bed after that, i secretly ate dark chocolate..HUHU..lols after that i sleep till it was morning whereby there is sunlight. I went to the living room to watch Television and all the channels were so boring -.-. I switch it off and went in the bedroom to check SMSes, but dont have so lie down again and sleep for awhile. It was around 11am and i went to use the laptop to do plurking and blogging. So boring lorhs, One thing i hate is HOLIDAY...-.- but i like it because i got time to do things. Got homework and its like #$%^&....haiz what to say. Atleast, they is Volleyball training :), oh yah there's two matches now i meant no the match thingy..hahs outram & bukit panjang secondary nias. Aiyo, quite scared and nervous manz...I just wish/hope/want we will suceed that's all ..yeahh.

After all that, i gotta go for my tution. today so boring lorhs and i kept yawning during the lesson. was around 5pm liaos then went home by bus 185 and waited to eat. hahas..I eat till my stomach was so full/big xD..Okays that's all..Oh yah carol really improve alot manz...hahas Bye

Saturday, September 5, 2009

This feeling hurts me alot..

Hello :]

Long time no post, I did not post anything since I was having training and hw + projects. I haven't even started doing my Art & Craft project yet and I got no ideas at all seriously. My mind is so blank...Oh my goodness. I will no post anything about thses past few days but I will start posting about what happen today. Let me begin.....

Ahem...Ahem...Nowadays i kept coughing because of the haze.....So let me begin. Woke up at around 5am and ate breakfast which was bread and Biscuits. After eating, Lie down on the bed but didn't fell asleep so I was thinking what will happen today, VERY curious you know. I waited till it was 5.30, I didnt fell asleep again so waited and chit-chat with my big sister (Roxy) about maplestory and school stuffs. Atlast it was 6.30, bathed, changed to PE-uniform, Pack things and went off. Reach school, saw PRISCILLA, char, michelle, zane then they were waiting at the canteen table waiting for Mr.chin. Atlast, Mr.chin, mingsiew, carol come liaos so we all went up all. Did match with B div girls, B div boys, C div boys too and there were really Oh my goodness...I really tried my best and the team too. Charmaine tmr going overseas liaos T.T No char anymore....But dont worry got pris, michlle, mingsiew, carol and more....We'll be missing charmaine for how many weeks or days...haiz..Good-bye..