Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello everyone! :)
I've finally finished studying and revising in the morning while hearing music. So broing, so study lorh then read book untill i finished it just for one day finish the book liaos. I think its about 1 and half hour liddat lorh...lols. The rest of the day i listened to music, use computer and bully my siblings as in playing catching at home and WWE! Hoho! playplay fighting with bro just now, he's skinny and younger to me, of cos i defeated him marhs XDXD. I'm so bad~! hahah.. opps =x Mingsiew, Michelle and Yating, you're ready to fight tmrw? hahas. remember no mercy, no chances anymore. I can't stand this, it has gone too much of my limits and i cant tolerate all those bullshits you've done. BITCH! -'- this is for you ah. You think everything also need to listen to you, you think everything is always need to go on your way, you keep dragging and dogging people around. That's enough ok! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! You've gone too much for our tolerance. Too much. You say sorry, its not enough ok, actions speaks louder than words! so far, i didnt see any changes of you! Who the fcuk you think you are?! A president child that we need to please you ah? NO! you're just an ordinary person like me and the rest but the way you treat us is like too much of a humankind. bullshit! PUIPUI! Wait and see get what you want to see and hear from us . The more, the better to make you feel how we felt. Not enough? then fck off from our lives! That's it...I've enough of this..

Together we can make it . :)

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