Friday, August 27, 2010

Be happy

Hello everyone! I'm backkkkk~! Oleeeeeeeee~! Oleeeeeeeeee~! oleeeeeeeeeeeee~! :)
Wah! 2 maths test, 1 english test and HE test. I confirm english and maths just pass only. Hais.. siansiansian =/. Skipped school for 1 week also not nice because i missed alot things these past few week. But it was fun, helping out in YOG. Hahas. The bad thing is you will be caught on tv and you appear in the internet -.-. Walao i kenna nia :/. TBT= tak boleh tahan!
Haha! Today training was ok ah, chelsea, michelle and me was like clapping and shouting oleoleoleole~! Oh yeah! That's how we do it. Dont worry, Be happy thats what we all wanna do to our teammates to make them be lively and happy~! :D:D.
What I did during Training: Digging drills, spiking high ball and low ball. Spiking recieving also, did shadowing ! Oh yeah. Like maplestory you know...the shadow partner the skills. hahas awesome. I wish/hope/want to do that correctly for once or more than that, friendly match :) and off to go home! Went home with mingsiew & yating. after that was HOME SWEET HOME! Oh yeah.
These are the countries who won and love one nia. haha, Iran, Egypt, Japan, Congo, Cuba & Belgium! WOOTS! The boldline one is the champion of the champions of volleyball. ahhaas. Ok bye.. see ya! :)

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