Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our memories are beautiful

Hey everyone, What's up?
Today, Woke up 6am, went out of the house 6.30am. Reach school at around 7 am plus then take class diary at general office and wen t to the "Gathering" table which is ouside OM's room there the benches there. The people who were sitting at the benches were Nabilah, Natalie, Haifizah, Syed, Sahira, Aishah and passers- by can come and join us in our HOT GOSSIP GATHERING! There, you can study, chit chat, sleep, talk bullshits and even copying homework..hahas. Okay..TIME FLIES after that, i went to the new blk foyer there at the VB court to practice my service and play VB. Kind of exercising in the early morning..sweat alot man -.-. Then time flies again, went to parade ground and gather to take our pledge and sing our national anthem. TIME FLIES AGAIN~ PE!. Hmms.. did nothing, just busybody around..talking to people randomly and played badminton , alittle bit of soccer and VB. Hahas. TIME FLIES~~~! MATHS!. Got maths test...its was okok..hope wont fail :( . RECESS~ hahas usual thing but this time very SHIOK! hahas did some runaway from people -WINKWINK- hahas. CPA~! So noisy ah the class :/ very uncontrollable...what to do..2T1 will always be 2T1 XDXD did some touch-up on our unfinish work. SCI~! So boring le.. almost fell asleep, Mr. chee look like clement..HAHAS! Lengpoh say one nia that look like his friend..hahas . So many homework :O After school.. Self-acess...then eat outside with mingsiew, charmaine, mandy, daphne, yingying , BAOBAO! Bao yu la..hahas. Then after that...bao yu, mandy, yingying and daphne went home while mingsiew and charmaine came to my house to play vb. hahas. THAT'S ALL BYE :D

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