Thursday, August 12, 2010

Im forgetting ya

Things i did today:
Woke up very early at 5am :)...then eat then i did my necessary things. I changed to my school uniform and pack bag and went off.
Reach school, take class diary, write down date, day and class periods. Did some talkings and i find someone very annoying -.-. Did school homework with classmates. After that, went to the vb court behind the new blk foyer to practice service. Kns! I kana headshot..second time liaos. I will revenge back, i'll make sure i will improve in my spiking direction and skills :). Watch out! hahas :D.
Went back to parade square, cos Mr.Su came and ask everyone go back to parade ground -.-. Cannot have fun meh? .__. hais nevermind. Read book and i only finish one page only.. lol! -.-" After taking pledge and national anthem...Teacher havent come yet, so i went to find Mr. Aw (PE Teacher) He wasnt in cos he go for the YOG thingy then Mr. Lee took cover for Mr.Aw. So boring le PE -.-" Play catching...Mingxuan catcher marh then he so slow. -.- hais, in the end he's still the catcher. Havent catch anyone yet -.-. Next week then we resume again.
MATHS! Did revision, got maths test coming again :(... Did revision again and learn new things.
Recess~! I dont want to talk about it :/
CPA~! Wah seh, did powerpoint (Havent finish yet -.-) and there's a test coming too.
Revise, Test again -.-. So sian...
After school liao marhs, skip self-acess, went to classroom to wait for the teacher la who want to discuss us about the "special" day. Hais.. then just now got person not happy, so impatient lorh. Dont want wait then DONT WAIT LARH! No one forcing you to stay also, like some of our classmates, they went home liaos after self- acess. Then you le keep telling me what to do. Like i no brains is it. Relax la...I said wait for awhile then so impatient lorhs. Hais.. no wonder la our class cannot co-operate each other. c'b -.-
Then after that i so pissed off, teacher talktalk and talk what. I got listen la..think what-.-. Then wait for Mingsiew, Carol and charmaine because they having Dizigui marh.
After they finish liaos, we test out the card..hahas can lehs.. $0.00 inside you know ..lols! then HOME SWEET HOME~!

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