Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm sorry again.


Today, I had to go to school at 9.45am but i woke up at 6am and I was wondering whether to go to school early or not but i didnt. I went out at 9.30am and I was feeling sick cos i was caught in the heavy rain last monday. Now i'm sniffing and feeling quite tired. When i was walking to school, my legs were jelly and i wanted to faint like that but i was strong. So i walked the long route and reach the school.

I saw JiaJun, he asked me whether we can go up liaos, suddenly, Natalie came and told us we cant go up till the recess bell rings. Yokemun & Peiling were at the classroom but they were caught by Mr. RobinSu and he told them to come down. So we waited, then we went seperated ways after that. I went to the canteen to find the volleyballers, I walked down the stairs and all of a sudden, I heard someone calling my name, It was baoyu, there were mandy, mingsiew, pris and some people were at the stall like ysabelle, liping, doreen and peishan.

Then we talked about hairstyles and maplestory. Then chat till bell rings lorhs, saw some of my classmates. Esp aaron & gang, Nabilah, mazsini and more la hors.. Then saw charmaine and gary with his friends with Mr.Wilson there. Then after walked up the classroom, saw Form teacher coming liaos, then i went in, she gave us schedules about school and the travel plan. Then Maths paper 2 started, Ong lili was late, I was screwed up for sharing my correction tape to yiling. SHITXC! stupid me! why i lended her....WHY?!!! ahh...Then the teacher was like, you better dont share or else i will tear both of your paper. -.-" Suckish manz...I was not cheating anyways...

By the way, the paper was like omg...I cant do it easily like that..omg..I'm gonna fail T.T...i tried my best ok, some questions tricky manz...ARGH!! Hope i wont fail my maths!! PLEASE!! ARGHH!! Ok after exam, teacher checked whether our shoes were fine but mine wasnt fine at all cos it was dirty :P:P...Puisi's and mine were dirty!!! She told us to buy new pairs, then i was like...Cannot wait till next year mehs..anyways my shoes still can use marh..walao..After that, went down staircase, waited for MingSiew and went home after that. That baoyu hors waste my time waiting for her 187 bus then i cannot accompany mingsiew to her bus-stop..Nvm barhs.. Good-bye :D

Good-luck for tmr paper YO!

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