Wednesday, October 14, 2009



Today school was boring, boring.....Ok exams today were science and mothertougue listening and comprehension paper. Science were...okok la :D, malay listening...I didnt listen to anything at all..lols then the comprehension part was like i anyhow do. Seriously, MALAY SUCKS! :D.

Yay! I'm so happy and excited because volleyball training starts tomorrow. Oh yeah! Ok after school, actually waited for mingsiew and some of my friends. But i changed my mind, waited for yokemun to get back her so called, "Handbag" from Mr.Su...So long lehs must wait but nevermind. While we were waiting, Mr.Ong passed by and then he came to us and sit on the bench with us. Then he talked about exams...blahblah..then he said tmr, got art & craft exam..Then i said..eee..Art&Craft sucks! Then he High five me and said yeah of cos. Hahas! I didnt know he hated art so much. lols. Ok went home after Yokemun got back her Handbag.

That's all! Bye :D

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