Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to YSABELLE XD

Yesterday was my english paper 1 exam, it seems that i can do it easily. After the exams, waited for the volleyballers to finish their history exam, I wished to go to Normal (Academic) but i dont know whether i can. Haiz...very siann la hors like MingSiew :P:P..hahas lols -.-.
I was there waiting for them at the foyer, half asleep lols........I read books and even revised worksheets but it seems that i will fall asleep so i stopped. Then dingdongdingdongdingdongdingdong~ The bell rang at 12.55 or something then they all came down and rush to the PE room for a plan.
Ok it was dam funny..lols Ysabelle's face and hair was filled with Cake..ahahahas~ The people who were there is, MingSiew, Mandy, Charmaine, Priscilla, Michelle, Sabrina, Chelsea, Doreen, Liping, Peishan, Zane, Aaron, Jiexun, Youjie, Siwei, anthony..Did i missed out anyone? oh well nevermind...lols...
After all that, followed mingsiew to Mac but full so went to KFC. hahas..Peishan, LiPing , priscilla and mingsiew kept taking photos ...snap here and there~ woots! Went home after that.. :DD
F.Y.I Please stop calling me that when it is not even true....Bitch!

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