Friday, October 30, 2009

Bitch! :D


Training today was super dam fun except for the sunburning part...hahas! I got promoted to 2T1 next year cos of my freaking MT! I got U for it okay....The rest of the subjects not a problem at all :)! Oh yeah ..I love it! After training, stayed back with mingsiew and carol to help Mr.Chin to do some filing, punching holes and arranging. Damm...It was tiring okay, seriously till my back was aching at that point of time. After it was all done, went mac, eat, chat, laughed and went home straight after that.

Well, Tmr we'll be competing against Prebystrain High school tmr! Wish us luck yo! hahas :) We'll give them all the shi-txc to them manz! HAHAS!

That's it! Bye :D

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