Saturday, October 31, 2009

Millions of sorry still useless..

Yesterday, had friendly match with the Presbyterian High school, we were almost there to winning but we didnt. Yeah, nevermind we'll do our best next time. After match, took train to JE with Mingsiew, carol, priscilla, charmaine, Mandy and Mr.chin. Talked along the train ride, then when we reached to JE, Mandy went home and as for all of us we went to IMM! Then we saw charmaine's dad....then she needed to go home so we were thinking where to eat then we went to secret recipe. AFter all that, before even reaching the bus-station..It was we ran to th bus station and waited for bus 334. I went Home straight after that..that's all! bye :D Oh ya..

Tmrw is mingsiew's birthday so yeah! Happy Birthday tms! :D

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bitch! :D


Training today was super dam fun except for the sunburning part...hahas! I got promoted to 2T1 next year cos of my freaking MT! I got U for it okay....The rest of the subjects not a problem at all :)! Oh yeah ..I love it! After training, stayed back with mingsiew and carol to help Mr.Chin to do some filing, punching holes and arranging. Damm...It was tiring okay, seriously till my back was aching at that point of time. After it was all done, went mac, eat, chat, laughed and went home straight after that.

Well, Tmr we'll be competing against Prebystrain High school tmr! Wish us luck yo! hahas :) We'll give them all the shi-txc to them manz! HAHAS!

That's it! Bye :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009



Training in the morning after flag-raising, It was windy at first then it got warmer during recess time...Training was fine and I found this video which will remind people to make way..LOLS! Ok after training, went home with carol and mingsiew. Watch this! :D hahas...The people who will understand this video is CHELSEA AND YSABELLE! hahas...

I hope he'll be okay :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

its alright..


Training early in the morning still goes on and it was great. Something happen ok...No training so cant skip lessons then must go lessons lorhs. First period, mothertongue.. I hate Mothertongue...I wish i can quit and give it up!
CPA lessons after that, boring~~ Then the alarm started ringing...Everyone was calm and we have to go to the field there lorhs..-.-. Skipskip, After that was RECESS TIME! I played volleyball with charmaine and mingsiew at the volleyball court. We keep on dropping the ball..hahas fun la then suddenly mingsiew got a message saying get ready before recess ends or something liddat. Then we all ran to find the volleyballers and told them.

After we took out things, we ran to the new block foyer, got changed and bought drinks or whatever. We were waiting there, Mr.Chin came then we waited for sab & pris to finish their test. While waiting, carol & mingsiew were cat and dog catching so i joined in and played with them too then charmaine joined too. Then we tickle each other..hahas...Then blhablah, had lunch outside then when school ends. We went back in the school, then blahblah..We took the bus to reach hougang stadium then we reach there, visit the toilet and then went in the hall... the VAS kana cancelled la -.-...Kana scammed...They changed without even telling us lorhs..haiz...played there for awhile then eat lunch..went home by train.. Ok that's all! Byebye :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good Luck Ya'll! :D


I'm back from training! Today we got out jersey, luckily i got No.5 same as my old jersey. Lucky la not less than 5. Skipped lessons today and training were damn nice. We even spar with the C'boys and in the end it was screwed up so........Ok tmr got match with Huayi Sec, i'm quite nervous and scared about it. So Good Luck Yo!

I wanna be with my energy not with my enemy a place for my head...


Monday, October 26, 2009

I gotta believe! PRP :)


Today was wicked! Training started at 8am and ends at 2pm. The best thing was SKIPPING LESSONS! HAHAS! I would not need to see those teachers anymore but i kinda of missing my classmates ....Oh well, Training today was at the volleyball court whereby you can see MR.SUN! hahas!! At first it wasnt that warm, during recess was dam HOT! WICKED LA HORS! WICKED! POOR CHARMAINE...We kept irritaing infront of her by repeating the funny words she said. HAHAS! Then Mr.Chin didnt let us have our breaks, mingsiew kept saying, i dun need a break lols. She so strong ok! lols..Then spike here, recieve here and there then it was break time after recess -.-.

After that was court reviews, did meditaion which like almost make me sleep during meditating... Service, receiving and blahblah....After training, went home straight after i bought a drink. That's all...Tmr got training at 8am again! hahas.. I'm wondering what will my jersey number be...Well, I hope its more than 5 not less than. Good-bye! :D

Friday, October 23, 2009

Love ya Bro!

Hello :D

Happy Birthday Bro/Ches! This video is for you dude.. :)

That's all, Good-Bye :D:D

I'm Missing..


Yesterday was actually about finding out our marks but i didnt, i went for my volleyball training at 8.50am :P:P...Let me tell you all something...Skipping lessons are cool man...seriously, it was dam fun yesterday. Ok let's talk about today, Training today was tiring at first but in the end it was fun! The last part was too slacky, ysabelle, charmaine and me were like sitting there for so long and waiting for our turn. End up, we didnt get to play at all, i will put all my best in the next training..I think so..hehes -.-...

After school, ysabelle, carol, sab, chelsea and me were the last to go out of the hall. Then Mr.chin & Mr. Tan ask us to help to pick up all the litters on the floor, put back the table and chairs. Then must arrange it neatly, everything was fine after that we left them. Carol and I bought bubbletea and bread. When we exit the bakery shop, i heard my name was called out and i turned behind and saw ysabelle, sab, chelsea, Mr.chin and Mr.Tan. Then we walked quickly but end up...sab, chelsea and ysabelle were behind us liaos..then blhablah...Ok that's it byebye..


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Awesome :)


Training today was great and gives me muscle cramps -.-. Training today were like partner digging, service, free spike, long spike and lots okay..LOTS. Ok, i hope tmr training wont make me tired :{..Well, Tmr got normal lessons, only one day marhs -.-. From now on, I will be using SALONPAS! No more medicated oil.. :) hahas. IN YOUR SHOES! hahas Its just a short post... GOOD-BYE :D

PJ the DJ!

Sunny the Funny!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009



Training today was *THUMBS UP* Ok...get it.. IT WAS GREAT! :D I just wanna show you this song..

Good-Bye YA'LL!

Sunday, October 18, 2009



Well, i got lots to tell you about my training days and happenings during this past few weeks. Saturday, sunday got training and it was really awesome :). Saturday volleyball training was quite harsh and tiring but for sunday training. AWESOME! There will only 4 boys and 7 girls came for training. We did partner digging and lots of stuffs. Then spike here and there. Laughed alot too. well,its just a short post, tmr got training in the morning at 8am to 1pm. YAY! :D:D This thursday got normal lessons, are we going to find out our marks? maybe yes or no..quite NERVOUS :S....I hope carol's hand recover soon, michelle also for her shoulder...later she cannot join VAS T.T...Get well soon! :D:D Okay that's all..GOOD-BYE!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Believe me..


Today very sien lorhs, art exam and english listening comprehension. The invigilator is my form teacher -.-" and many things happen lorh. After school, waited for the volleyballers instead i saw charmaine so we went to the new block foyer to put our things and went off to look for some other volleyballers. Ok training okok la :)... my leg, hand, arm and back is cramp and pain but no choice marhs....competition coming liaos.

Tmr also got trng at 7am and end at 1pm...ARGH! help me D: .. atleast tmr we'll be using the hall..YAY! HOORAY! I miss the school hall so much, seriously..I can slide, hide and whatever. lols. I wonder what will the training be.. ;O ...I hope its not diedie one..So.....GOOD-BYEBYE! :D:D HAHAHOHOS!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



Today school was boring, boring.....Ok exams today were science and mothertougue listening and comprehension paper. Science were...okok la :D, malay listening...I didnt listen to anything at all..lols then the comprehension part was like i anyhow do. Seriously, MALAY SUCKS! :D.

Yay! I'm so happy and excited because volleyball training starts tomorrow. Oh yeah! Ok after school, actually waited for mingsiew and some of my friends. But i changed my mind, waited for yokemun to get back her so called, "Handbag" from Mr.Su...So long lehs must wait but nevermind. While we were waiting, Mr.Ong passed by and then he came to us and sit on the bench with us. Then he talked about exams...blahblah..then he said tmr, got art & craft exam..Then i said..eee..Art&Craft sucks! Then he High five me and said yeah of cos. Hahas! I didnt know he hated art so much. lols. Ok went home after Yokemun got back her Handbag.

That's all! Bye :D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm sorry again.


Today, I had to go to school at 9.45am but i woke up at 6am and I was wondering whether to go to school early or not but i didnt. I went out at 9.30am and I was feeling sick cos i was caught in the heavy rain last monday. Now i'm sniffing and feeling quite tired. When i was walking to school, my legs were jelly and i wanted to faint like that but i was strong. So i walked the long route and reach the school.

I saw JiaJun, he asked me whether we can go up liaos, suddenly, Natalie came and told us we cant go up till the recess bell rings. Yokemun & Peiling were at the classroom but they were caught by Mr. RobinSu and he told them to come down. So we waited, then we went seperated ways after that. I went to the canteen to find the volleyballers, I walked down the stairs and all of a sudden, I heard someone calling my name, It was baoyu, there were mandy, mingsiew, pris and some people were at the stall like ysabelle, liping, doreen and peishan.

Then we talked about hairstyles and maplestory. Then chat till bell rings lorhs, saw some of my classmates. Esp aaron & gang, Nabilah, mazsini and more la hors.. Then saw charmaine and gary with his friends with Mr.Wilson there. Then after walked up the classroom, saw Form teacher coming liaos, then i went in, she gave us schedules about school and the travel plan. Then Maths paper 2 started, Ong lili was late, I was screwed up for sharing my correction tape to yiling. SHITXC! stupid me! why i lended her....WHY?!!! ahh...Then the teacher was like, you better dont share or else i will tear both of your paper. -.-" Suckish manz...I was not cheating anyways...

By the way, the paper was like omg...I cant do it easily like that..omg..I'm gonna fail T.T...i tried my best ok, some questions tricky manz...ARGH!! Hope i wont fail my maths!! PLEASE!! ARGHH!! Ok after exam, teacher checked whether our shoes were fine but mine wasnt fine at all cos it was dirty :P:P...Puisi's and mine were dirty!!! She told us to buy new pairs, then i was like...Cannot wait till next year mehs..anyways my shoes still can use marh..walao..After that, went down staircase, waited for MingSiew and went home after that. That baoyu hors waste my time waiting for her 187 bus then i cannot accompany mingsiew to her bus-stop..Nvm barhs.. Good-bye :D

Good-luck for tmr paper YO!

Monday, October 12, 2009



Today, My sister (Roxy) woke me up at 5.30am actually but i dragged till 5.45am..XDXD. I was lazy to get up that time and somemore it was raining. Ok, i get up, washed up, changed to uniform, ate breakfast and went out of the house at 6.15am.

I walked to school halfway and then it started raining heavily. No umbrella -.-... Plus, i'm not even nearby the school yet so i had to run and you know even reaching to the school's entrance. I stepped on the puddle and I was totally wet. My Full Uniform, Shoes and bag were wet. So i quickly went up to the classroom, switched on the lights and fans. I went to the washroom after that then went back to the classroom. I took out my shoes and open my bag to air up. My socks were terribly wet manz... -.- What a day! -.- so wet somemore, can even see my footprint :P:P. HAHAS!

Today, Maths paper 1 was easy to do, i did not burst my brain out or any headaches so it means it was easily done. LOls..okok..Just wished that i will pass my exams and that's it. So good-luck people out there! :D ;D GOOD LUCK YO!



Sunday was my nightmare day, tuition teacher quite screwed me up. She scolded me till .....Oh well as for today, woke up so early somemore at 5.35am..AHH!! I wanna tell you all something that I can't sleep properly nowadays -.-...on weekends, i will wake up at 8am like that lehs..not normal lorhs..

Ok let me continue.....Roxy and I went out to school together at 6.15am, reach school so early lorhs...nvm barhs. Then charmaine came and then we went to the New block foyer to do what..I also dunno....lols. OK english paper 2 were easy -.-..MAN! but i wouldnt know whether i will pass or not..lols. SERIOUSLY, i finished it 10 minutes you know..

After school, sent yuting to her block cos i dun want to wait for my friends alone there so wasted my time while walking there....ok after all the volleyballers finished their english paper..WENT TO HKE~ wee..lols played vb lorhs then laughed alot also. People were there, michelle, mingsiew, priscilla, charmaine, sabrina, anthony, aaron, chelsea and many more ... then went home after that..that's all!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I hate you treating me like a DOG!

Well, nothing to post about today ..... Currently, watching TV, programme AVATAR (Aang)...I know its childish XDXD...

That's all and Good bye.. :D

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What's your name fool..

Hello :D
Currently, My classmate, Puisi, is in my house playing maplestory ;D:D. Hahas..Watch this video hors :)!

Good-bye! ;D

Monday, October 5, 2009

No more sorrow..

Today school was usual, lessons were fine today but not for english and Science. So many things happened after that. I hope my buddy is ok. Well, some of you know the reasons. After school, I saw Puisi standing outside OM office, i asked my classmate, Jason, he told me that they were misbehaving themselves.

Many things happened after that, like charmaine was searching priscilla to return the volleyball back to her but instead Mr. Chin kept it and will return it to priscilla back tmr. Even, mingsiew pushed the dustbin at the canteen, carol fought with mingsiew and baoyu's sling bag dropped on the floor. Hahas.. After that went home, with baoyu, mingsiew, Mr.Chin...Followed Baoyu halfway to the bus-stop to buy her prepaid card then crossed the road, Mingsiew & Mr.chin there standing there..waiting for bus 187...lols Ok after that went home ;D Bye!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Siann... Nothing to do
Shadow of the Day Lyrics
I close both locks below the window
I close both blinds and turn away
Sometimes solutions aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way
And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for youAnd the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
[End Chorus]
In cards and flowers on your window
Your friends all plead for you to stay
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes good bye's the only way
And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
[End Chorus]
[Thanks to DJ Deus ( for these lyrics]
[Thanks to, for correcting these lyrics][ ]

Happy Birthday to YSABELLE XD

Yesterday was my english paper 1 exam, it seems that i can do it easily. After the exams, waited for the volleyballers to finish their history exam, I wished to go to Normal (Academic) but i dont know whether i can. Haiz...very siann la hors like MingSiew :P:P..hahas lols -.-.
I was there waiting for them at the foyer, half asleep lols........I read books and even revised worksheets but it seems that i will fall asleep so i stopped. Then dingdongdingdongdingdongdingdong~ The bell rang at 12.55 or something then they all came down and rush to the PE room for a plan.
Ok it was dam funny..lols Ysabelle's face and hair was filled with Cake..ahahahas~ The people who were there is, MingSiew, Mandy, Charmaine, Priscilla, Michelle, Sabrina, Chelsea, Doreen, Liping, Peishan, Zane, Aaron, Jiexun, Youjie, Siwei, anthony..Did i missed out anyone? oh well nevermind...lols...
After all that, followed mingsiew to Mac but full so went to KFC. hahas..Peishan, LiPing , priscilla and mingsiew kept taking photos ...snap here and there~ woots! Went home after that.. :DD
F.Y.I Please stop calling me that when it is not even true....Bitch!