Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello everyone! :)
I've finally finished studying and revising in the morning while hearing music. So broing, so study lorh then read book untill i finished it just for one day finish the book liaos. I think its about 1 and half hour liddat lorh...lols. The rest of the day i listened to music, use computer and bully my siblings as in playing catching at home and WWE! Hoho! playplay fighting with bro just now, he's skinny and younger to me, of cos i defeated him marhs XDXD. I'm so bad~! hahah.. opps =x Mingsiew, Michelle and Yating, you're ready to fight tmrw? hahas. remember no mercy, no chances anymore. I can't stand this, it has gone too much of my limits and i cant tolerate all those bullshits you've done. BITCH! -'- this is for you ah. You think everything also need to listen to you, you think everything is always need to go on your way, you keep dragging and dogging people around. That's enough ok! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! You've gone too much for our tolerance. Too much. You say sorry, its not enough ok, actions speaks louder than words! so far, i didnt see any changes of you! Who the fcuk you think you are?! A president child that we need to please you ah? NO! you're just an ordinary person like me and the rest but the way you treat us is like too much of a humankind. bullshit! PUIPUI! Wait and see get what you want to see and hear from us . The more, the better to make you feel how we felt. Not enough? then fck off from our lives! That's it...I've enough of this..

Together we can make it . :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Very upset of you.

Hello people! :D
Today woke up early, ate breakfast, got changed, packed bag and went off. I reach school first as in the volleyballers, i was there alone at the canteen then suddenl mandy came. While waiting for the rest, we talked about things la hor. After talking, michelle, pris and ziqinq came together and then we sat and waited for chin to come and unlock the hall gate and stuffs nia.
Training today was ok! Did agility, practice blocking coordination, spiking and match at the end.
The last part, very SIAN! many problems =/ these few days. What is happening to the world?! YOU ALSO?! WHY??????! WHY LIKE THAT! ARGH! So fed-up of you making me and the rest like this. ._______. such a bitch =/.
After trng, went slacking with michelle, ysabelle, mingsiew, yating and mand at CU. Yating and mandy went home after that, luckily, we saw our seniors so we join them to slack lorh with mingsiew, michelle, priscilla, ziqinq, zimin and jessica at under a shelter near a playground which they usually go to. Talked craps and laugh lots. hahas. Fooling ard there, the zimin and jess playing with water. water bending nia..hahas.
After time passed by, it was finally home sweeet home! that's it...
Goodbye ! :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Be happy

Hello everyone! I'm backkkkk~! Oleeeeeeeee~! Oleeeeeeeeee~! oleeeeeeeeeeeee~! :)
Wah! 2 maths test, 1 english test and HE test. I confirm english and maths just pass only. Hais.. siansiansian =/. Skipped school for 1 week also not nice because i missed alot things these past few week. But it was fun, helping out in YOG. Hahas. The bad thing is you will be caught on tv and you appear in the internet -.-. Walao i kenna nia :/. TBT= tak boleh tahan!
Haha! Today training was ok ah, chelsea, michelle and me was like clapping and shouting oleoleoleole~! Oh yeah! That's how we do it. Dont worry, Be happy thats what we all wanna do to our teammates to make them be lively and happy~! :D:D.
What I did during Training: Digging drills, spiking high ball and low ball. Spiking recieving also, did shadowing ! Oh yeah. Like maplestory you know...the shadow partner the skills. hahas awesome. I wish/hope/want to do that correctly for once or more than that, friendly match :) and off to go home! Went home with mingsiew & yating. after that was HOME SWEET HOME! Oh yeah.
These are the countries who won and love one nia. haha, Iran, Egypt, Japan, Congo, Cuba & Belgium! WOOTS! The boldline one is the champion of the champions of volleyball. ahhaas. Ok bye.. see ya! :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hey! :)


I will be back blogging normally on friday :) Please tag my blog still ah. Dont think I'm not watching you! hoho XD

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello everyone!
I not happy in the morning till the end of lessons. Really pissed off on this day. I dont know but I dont want this to happen too but i just got it. Problems will come to me when i dont even want it. WTF is wrong ...............?! First thing in the morning, come scold me and then say he not threatening me. Erm.. Some teachers threaten people one lorh. Everytime say, I call this person come handle this ah. Think what?! Walao eh.. FREAKING HATE THESE KIND OF TEACHERS DE -'- no life!
Wah.. really cant stand this. The rest of the lessons hor, everytime i come and want pay attention. Teacher always scold here and there. When we learn like that nia. Hais.. forget it.
After school, abit help 2E6 with their notice board decoration, went to the last floor to see seniors, Ziqinq and Yokelin. Pris was there too :) there and then i learn all their chinese name..hahas! All my team's chinese name, yokelin's name very the long...hahas ! After that, went home with mingsiew, yating and leyyi. The END! >:)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hello everyone!
Today in the morning, went to new blk foyer to practice service instead played with charmaine spiking and recieving. Play untill sweat so much, my whole shirt at the back wet with sweat >.
CME: Teacher gave us a project of the old folks poster ah...dunno what thing la. hahas.
ENG: WTF! Oral presentation about YOG. My turn tmrw leh, i havent finish yet, i didnt print it you know, its all written work :/. Aiya, for once...i hate this lorh. HATE IT! PUIPUI! HATE IT MAN TO THE CORE TTM!!
RECESS~! Michelle went home, i wonder whether she's fine or not. Suddenly, I felt moody :/ ..then played vb with char, mingsiew and carol. Spiking deproved alot :(. Need buck up man...Haiya.
CPA: I gave you a choice, its either the good one or the bad one, you wanna choose. Not my problem.. This part very ._____. STRESS !STRESS !
MATHS: Hahas.. I love MATHS! hahas.. cos i can use my calculator marh and joke around with teacher and friends :).Teacher gave us two maths worksheet as homework. I've finished it all by today nias..hahas.
After school. MingSiew, Charmaine, Ysabelle and Chelsea got Maths test so we waited for them untill three pm to go to CCAB! Went out to eat lunch with carol, yingying and daphne! :) hahahs
Then when 3pm, VROOOM! VROOM! Off we go~! hahas. So headache during the bus ride :/.
Reach there, warm-up, played a game which our c div coach instruct us. lols. not so fun lorh but very funny. hahas. Then service and spiking. After that trng over so fast lorh so went home with mingsiew, yata aka yating, carol and took bus 66 and then double decker 157 :). Can rest my tired shoulders! hhoho! HAH! This part, we talked craps and joke alot. lol. Before going home, ate cup noodles with yating! hoho :) then took bus 334 to go HOME SWEEEEET HOME!. That's all! GOODBYE :D

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friends are precious just like a vase,,

Hello Everyone :D!
Today, i woke up at 7.21 am you know! Almost late for training...hahas. So i rush lorh...i was in a rushing mood, did things very fast. Bathe, changed, ate breakfast and went off. Reach to the bus-stop where i was waiting for yating but in the end meet up with mingsiew. Then while on the way to school, help yating buy donut for her breakfast. Cant train when you didnt eat anything ya know. Then reach school, yating there liaos so mingsiew and me went to look for charmaine's water bottle which i hide at the General Office there! HAHAS :D. The hall gate was locked so we did our warm-up at the parade ground, i was feeling lazy at that point of time -.-"! Then we started, doing our drills which help us improve in our control. After that was service, spiking and then rally or some kind of match i think. Oh ya, michelle strain her back then i kena become setter lorh. lol. so tiring~! Then training over liaos, went to eat lunch lorh with mingsiew, carol and yating with some juniors. After that, i accompany mingsiew to bus-stop till dunno what time liaos..i think more than 2.30pm liaos..hahas! chat there and talking about old things. HOME SWEET HOME! :D
Good Bye! See ya'll again :)

Friday, August 13, 2010


Today is such a tiring day for me D: . But lucky i'm strong enough to endure it all :D:D. Mingsiew didnt come today because she was feeling unwell. Get Well Soon mingsiew! I know you said you felt better but I'm worried whether you ok or not :O. Carol ah, today minmin come to trng miss so much training cannot see your lover boy XDXD. Poor ahma! Hais, parents ah really too much this few days. What to do, parents are like that one. Oh ya, I just wanna tell you all that my maths test marks were 47 out of 55! HAHAS! I'M SO HAPPY! YAY ME! hahas.. :D The previous one more sucky lorh -.-" lols. During training, cloud nine got appear :):) and then got strong wind like typhoon liddat you know. hahas. Then it started to drizzle :(.. then got lightning risk so went under new blk foyer practice vb skills. Played pair digging with charmaine and mandy :). Then after the drizzling, the boys which is B div one helped clean the outdoor court and some of our B div girls too. Then can play back match. SO TIRING~~! Charmaine went home and she left her waterbottle at the bench there -.- ! During break time, Played like beach volleyball liddat la.. cos two players versus two players. So tiring! need run here and brake there. hahas but fun. Then after that rally, match and then playplay. Hahas i so forgetful, i forgotten what i did after that liaos. So, i shall end it here :)
GOODBYE! See ya teammates for tmrw trng at 8am :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Im forgetting ya

Things i did today:
Woke up very early at 5am :)...then eat then i did my necessary things. I changed to my school uniform and pack bag and went off.
Reach school, take class diary, write down date, day and class periods. Did some talkings and i find someone very annoying -.-. Did school homework with classmates. After that, went to the vb court behind the new blk foyer to practice service. Kns! I kana headshot..second time liaos. I will revenge back, i'll make sure i will improve in my spiking direction and skills :). Watch out! hahas :D.
Went back to parade square, cos Mr.Su came and ask everyone go back to parade ground -.-. Cannot have fun meh? .__. hais nevermind. Read book and i only finish one page only.. lol! -.-" After taking pledge and national anthem...Teacher havent come yet, so i went to find Mr. Aw (PE Teacher) He wasnt in cos he go for the YOG thingy then Mr. Lee took cover for Mr.Aw. So boring le PE -.-" Play catching...Mingxuan catcher marh then he so slow. -.- hais, in the end he's still the catcher. Havent catch anyone yet -.-. Next week then we resume again.
MATHS! Did revision, got maths test coming again :(... Did revision again and learn new things.
Recess~! I dont want to talk about it :/
CPA~! Wah seh, did powerpoint (Havent finish yet -.-) and there's a test coming too.
Revise, Test again -.-. So sian...
After school liao marhs, skip self-acess, went to classroom to wait for the teacher la who want to discuss us about the "special" day. Hais.. then just now got person not happy, so impatient lorh. Dont want wait then DONT WAIT LARH! No one forcing you to stay also, like some of our classmates, they went home liaos after self- acess. Then you le keep telling me what to do. Like i no brains is it. Relax la...I said wait for awhile then so impatient lorhs. Hais.. no wonder la our class cannot co-operate each other. c'b -.-
Then after that i so pissed off, teacher talktalk and talk what. I got listen la..think what-.-. Then wait for Mingsiew, Carol and charmaine because they having Dizigui marh.
After they finish liaos, we test out the card..hahas can lehs.. $0.00 inside you know ..lols! then HOME SWEET HOME~!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Sians. Here to upload pictures which i got nothing better to do. At home can rot like siao lorh. So sunny outside, can get headache so cant play outside later got sunburn =/ Hais. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. :(.See the view outside my window. :O So sunny outside~! can get headache )=.

Oh yeah. This is so right :o.

This year is different.... Many things changed. People changed. EVERYTHING CHANGES! me no like =( I wonder what are my friends, classmates and teammates doing right now. Homework? Playing Computer? hmms.. oh yeah i actually can play maplestory but i dont think my maple friends are online right now =/. Hais.. that's it for now. BYE! see ya ;)

What;s wrong with people this days..

Hello PEOPLE! :D
Now, i'm doing science worksheets which my sci cher gave me. About 2 worksheets you know but i can do it with ease. NO PROBLEM :D. Now i'm searching for some answers in the internet o.o. quite hard to find..really really hard. I ask my mother for some answers but i think she forgetten how to do liao.. hahas. I know la.. people nowadays getting older, keep forgetting things. But Sometimes i forgot about things too, am i OLD too? o.o lols. Oh well, nevermind about that. Just hope i can finish everything by today :) that it will be YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE~! hahas. You see this Music Video. Infinite- She's Back :) I love them! woots! Hoya & L~!! hahas See ya guys!

Bye :D

Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm feeling that way now :/

Yoyo! What's up, people?
From morning till now, did nothing but hearing music, sleep, eat and play. :/ Hais -.-" Tmrw no school again, wondering what to do tmrw :o. Hmms, maybe my mum will bring us out..? :) Let me see about that for tmrw. Thinking about the past, playing catching, hanging out with my friends after school or training.. wow, Super shiok! Now everything has changed. Looking back makes me miss those old times :(. Yeah.. miss those old days and times together .. hais. Now.. hearing the last time the song which mingsiew recommend me.. hahas. Replay by Shinee and even SorrySorry from Super Junior! I used to dance SorrySorry dance with Ysabelle during training..hahas.. those good times :D. Now not, hahas.. but still sing la random songs, music and annoying sounds. hahas. Annoying but funny! :D ARGH! I want those good old days and times back~!!!! But i can make it happen again if everyone is happy :). Rightright? ok that's it for today. See ya~!
Bye . ;)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sick and tired

Heyhey everyone,
My day today was like .______. ... I dont want to talk about it. I failed my religious class exam. WOW. I am the the 2nd last person who failed it. I didn't study, i think i regretted not studying but yeah... blame my laziness for making me fail :(. Well, its over..what's happen has happened already so yeah.. next time i'll try to pass :). Mum was nagging at me ya know, argh~! hate naggings ! -.- I know all for ya hate naggings right? yeah. I know, Failing makes us like sore losers but you cant just give up and stay there. Gotta do something, by not wont know how easy i gotta try next time..yeah. I havent give up yet. I hate grades F -.- Its like Fuck man.. -.-" Well, Tmrw start fasting liao, hais...more troubles, more complications cominggggggggg... :( I hate it :/ HaisHais...-.-. I hope problems are solve now, yes or no? Hais.. Everytime, i think about it..makes me wanna.. Cry, bang wall ( no la, just kidding), I feel like ...ARGHHH! Forget it...Hais.. GoodBye! I'll write more tmrw about the start of fasting...See ya guys! :D byeeeeeeeeeee~!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Without ya

Hello everyoneeeeeeeeeeee!
I'm sorry if i did something bad to you, I just dont want us to be seperated because of hatred and things which you dont like. But you can learn how to appreciate and start liking it. :) Soon..enough you will appreciate things and lovin it. Just try, if you dont wont know how great it is. I hope you wont do it again :(. AHMA, YOU'RE ALWAYS BE MY FRIEND! Even though its during bad times or good times. I try to handle all kinds of problems during those bad was really hard for me and for some people. I WANT THIS FIGHT OR ARGUING TO STOP! Its making us upset and even make us stressed. And for Charmaine, you're always dragging people ard which i dont really like it, we got no freedom man..i want to be more independent and i want you to be independent for yourself too. Stop it already...Its making people upset...I hope these words will wake you up because i had enough of it. Oh btw, I'm still your friend, dont worry, i know you;re scared to lose a friend but you can just give us some space and freedom atleast. By then, you will not lose your friends and people will start liking you. And i dont like fake smiles, tell me if you're not happy or angry or sad..dont bottle things up, later problems will rise up. And for the rest who was affected, cheerup ok? Mingsiew and Yata a.k.a yaya ! Smileeeeeeee! Tell me if you got problems, we'll settle it face to face, no more hiding it. :) That's all.. :D BYE! be happy, put up a smiling face! :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Be happy

Hello everyone!
How's National Day Celebration today? Well, for me its boring...hahas. I only like the Concert Band playing their music instruments. Hais.. in the beginning very sian for me, my classmates suddenly all moodswing :( I want their happy faces and smiley ones but in the end give me the no mood face. Oh well, but nevermind...there are teammates who can give me the smiley face XDXD hahas. Lunch~! with charmaine, mingsiew, yating a.k.a YATA!, carol, mandy, yingying, daphne at CU! Hahas..i just ate two bread from DJ bakery. After that, went back to school hall to set up the VB net and pole. Mandy help me set up the pole and pris help me out with the net and that's it . Warm up started, run 2 rounds and did all those warm ups. Sprinting time~!, run here and there, up and down. hahas fun :) Break~! eat banana and drink lots of water because of too much loss of water marh..hahas. After break,
slam ball to floor, pair dig with mingsiew and mandy..A & B receiving with ysabelle a.k.a BELLIE..then agility training.. WOOTS! Mr. Tan trained us nia the jumping and the sprinting tiring~~ :( but still SHIOK! then it was dunno what thing then match. The service ball so heavy :O But good for me that i can recieve some :). During the match, everyone was happy but then suddenly, can see clouds from someone :o. Cheerup TMS, Yata, bellie! I know how you feel, rmb our group name was the three musketeers yeah that one. After all that, i tired liaos..then can go HOME~! Oh yeah~. Bought Cheesy nachos and eat at the stall near the shop with carol, yating aka yata and mingsiew. Then carol went home, so yata, tms and me went to the bus- stop chit-chat~! hahas..then after that was guess the bus number which is coming to our direction..hahas! After all that guessing, yata and me went home cos TMS gotta go liaos so i send yata to the opposite bus- stop to take bus 98 then luckily bus came when we reach there .hahas what a concidence!.. then its HOME SWEET HOME for me :) That's all.. BYE! so tired but must fight on! :D Cheer up people especially YOU! you should know yourself..hahas.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our memories are beautiful

Hey everyone, What's up?
Today, Woke up 6am, went out of the house 6.30am. Reach school at around 7 am plus then take class diary at general office and wen t to the "Gathering" table which is ouside OM's room there the benches there. The people who were sitting at the benches were Nabilah, Natalie, Haifizah, Syed, Sahira, Aishah and passers- by can come and join us in our HOT GOSSIP GATHERING! There, you can study, chit chat, sleep, talk bullshits and even copying homework..hahas. Okay..TIME FLIES after that, i went to the new blk foyer there at the VB court to practice my service and play VB. Kind of exercising in the early morning..sweat alot man -.-. Then time flies again, went to parade ground and gather to take our pledge and sing our national anthem. TIME FLIES AGAIN~ PE!. Hmms.. did nothing, just busybody around..talking to people randomly and played badminton , alittle bit of soccer and VB. Hahas. TIME FLIES~~~! MATHS!. Got maths test...its was okok..hope wont fail :( . RECESS~ hahas usual thing but this time very SHIOK! hahas did some runaway from people -WINKWINK- hahas. CPA~! So noisy ah the class :/ very uncontrollable...what to do..2T1 will always be 2T1 XDXD did some touch-up on our unfinish work. SCI~! So boring le.. almost fell asleep, Mr. chee look like clement..HAHAS! Lengpoh say one nia that look like his friend..hahas . So many homework :O After school.. Self-acess...then eat outside with mingsiew, charmaine, mandy, daphne, yingying , BAOBAO! Bao yu la..hahas. Then after that...bao yu, mandy, yingying and daphne went home while mingsiew and charmaine came to my house to play vb. hahas. THAT'S ALL BYE :D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Hello everyone,
I'm abit upset today because alot of people were fighting, arguing and so on..

From LYRICSMODE.COM lyrics archive
Lyrics | Super Junior lyrics - No Other lyrics
I very worried for you.... :( Cheer up ah people, Esp TMS :D Yaya also :)
Okay BYES! See you all tmrw!