Thursday, September 16, 2010

sorry what?

YO! :D
In the morning very -.-! You should know why, someone following me larh of cos. ZzZz.....Went to morning service, didnt train my service tdy, sat down at the side with ziqinq, zimin, yokelin, ysabelle, carol and charmaine to do revision and homework. hahas. So guai hor? :D:D After that went parade sqaure, wah seh, counsellor come find me, say what, need go her counselling room and talk with her some things. what i do sia, i never do anything wrong, its the teacher larh say anyhow about me i do this larh and that larh, aiyo..The teacher not happy with me thats why like that lorh. fine la. 2 periods with her sia... hais...yawnyawn -.-". very mafan nia. Ask questions so many but i didnt answer some of it. BWAHAHA! hais... -.-" Then after go back lessons lorh. Today okok larh hor. Classmates still want waste people time and want make people not happy like that. ._. After school, went to basketball court to go see my classmates play basketball nia. Went home after that with carol :). Goodbyee!

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