Saturday, September 11, 2010

no need scared

Hello everyonee! :)
I am currently chatting with yaya in msn and junwei in facebook. Haishais -.- so boring.. even during hari raya ._. Yesterday's match with presbyterian was okay larh. Everyone was unhappy at first then the ending part was like suddenly have fighting spirit. :):) Ahaha. I dont want go bck school tmrw :(, have alot of homework becos of some teachers la give so much for what. In the past, they not like that one lorh. Hais... Somemore give homework, my classmates cant finish, some not sure, some dont know how to do. I somehow feel that teachers are bullying my class sia. walau eh -.-. Somehow only hor, they always think about themselves one -.- hais... Tmrw going back school lurhs ._. Sure got manymany homework one for me because lastlast thursday and friday didnt go school because i was having a high fever. Students want enjoy holiday also cannot, hari raya for the muslims for having a long month of fasting. Then got homework, how liddat pressurizing us like that. Aiya, in the end friends called me i got finish my work anot, i dont even have their homework and then come spam call/ messages at me asking whether got finish homework or not. siao -.-. I have tolerated all this bullshits okay please ._. Ok that's it... Goodbye !
Tolerance .

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