Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Today's training was pair up digging, did drills, quickspike, long spike and match with TEAM Pineapple . Hoho..my leg muscles are aching so painful D: . Tmrw is rest day and train up your musles day too ._. later you see everyone having BIG BIG Muscular arms and legs. ROFL . Hahas imagine it . Argh.. I wish everyone could be happy and never cared about their mistakes. Just try, you will never know how good it may end up in the end :) . Don't worry, everyone have failures, we can learn from failures and mistakes to improve yourself. Go TEAMMATES! :D Hope everything is alright and mastered the skill by 3 weeks! :) I failed many balls today but as the days passed, i get better and better :) so JIAYOU to me and TEAMMATES! DECEMBER is coming sooon....hope it ends quickly, cant wait to see my friends and see how next year 2011 will be like. As these few days are
training, training and TRAINING! WOW! O: Nothing to do at home also..dont want to make trouble outside so stayed at home and be a good person :) hahas . I'm always guai okay :D . BYE ! See you! ;)

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