Sunday, November 7, 2010

A day out to see siang yao working with big sist

Hello ! :D
Hahas.. this heart is actually a stapler bullet derhs, just bend alittle then turned to this. Hoho! So tired today, last night very shiok rain then the cold wind blowing everywhere in the bedroom so shiok like air-con. So cooling~ Today didnt do anything much larh, went out with sist to Gek Poh to go and support a friend working there. Haaiis.. went there so early so went to slack ard this place.. ( the picture below) . Have legendary story ok, they said the stone was strucked by lightning and then there was a man standing there got buried by the stone or statue or whatever thing larh. The stone fell on the guy and he died just like that o.o . So its quite mysterious and scary.. :O
Hah..this place ._. ! Yay! Tmrw got training at 9am and then after that Queensway friendly match. For pineapples, competition at hougang with Bukit merah sec.. JIAYOU! Do your best! ;D Hais.. this week i think sure damn tired one lorhs -.- . Hais..hope can play well tmrw . GOOD-BYE and Good luck to the PINEAPPLE team :)

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