Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Today's training was pair up digging, did drills, quickspike, long spike and match with TEAM Pineapple . Hoho..my leg muscles are aching so painful D: . Tmrw is rest day and train up your musles day too ._. later you see everyone having BIG BIG Muscular arms and legs. ROFL . Hahas imagine it . Argh.. I wish everyone could be happy and never cared about their mistakes. Just try, you will never know how good it may end up in the end :) . Don't worry, everyone have failures, we can learn from failures and mistakes to improve yourself. Go TEAMMATES! :D Hope everything is alright and mastered the skill by 3 weeks! :) I failed many balls today but as the days passed, i get better and better :) so JIAYOU to me and TEAMMATES! DECEMBER is coming sooon....hope it ends quickly, cant wait to see my friends and see how next year 2011 will be like. As these few days are
training, training and TRAINING! WOW! O: Nothing to do at home also..dont want to make trouble outside so stayed at home and be a good person :) hahas . I'm always guai okay :D . BYE ! See you! ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

It doesnt end like this yet ..


Cheerup people, we will train harder and become tougher for this upcoming West zone in February . I dont care how will you train or what but put this mindset in your mind to not give up and MOVE ON! :) Okay.. it was a lost, but hey...its not the end yet, so dont think its the end of the world and chances. TRAIN HARD my teammates ♥ ! I know you're upset that those schools can get the top 8 but you should know why and how they reach there. We'll train hard, i'll train hard so that stupid bitch wont take over my position :]. You too have to fight for it . Hahaha! Just got a message saying that tmrw we will be training our quickspike. Oh yeah! Going to train up my wristsnap and all these :). Jiayous TEAM :)
BYE ! ;D

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

Thursday, November 11, 2010



We're almost there to get what we want so GOOOOOOOOO TEAM DURIAN! Fight back for what they've done to Team Pineapple :) ! JIAYOUU! We can do this, talk is cheap, yeah i know so let's prove to them . And we can shut their fcuking mouths! STUPID BUS DRIVER TODAY! CHICKEN BACKSIDE BODOH LARH! -'- get a life..srsly. I DONT GIVE A DAMN! So angry, so frustrated, so fed up, tolerated all of this nonsense and bullshitzxc! I've enough of your nonsense and all those stupid talkings.. YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS OR NOT? CB! YOU WANT PLAY PUNK? We'll play punk back too. idiot .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A day out to see siang yao working with big sist

Hello ! :D
Hahas.. this heart is actually a stapler bullet derhs, just bend alittle then turned to this. Hoho! So tired today, last night very shiok hor..got rain then the cold wind blowing everywhere in the bedroom so shiok like air-con. So cooling~ Today didnt do anything much larh, went out with sist to Gek Poh to go and support a friend working there. Haaiis.. went there so early so went to slack ard this place.. ( the picture below) . Have legendary story ok, they said the stone was strucked by lightning and then there was a man standing there got buried by the stone or statue or whatever thing larh. The stone fell on the guy and he died just like that o.o . So its quite mysterious and scary.. :O
Hah..this place ._. ! Yay! Tmrw got training at 9am and then after that Queensway friendly match. For pineapples, competition at hougang with Bukit merah sec.. JIAYOU! Do your best! ;D Hais.. this week i think sure damn tired one lorhs -.- . Hais..hope can play well tmrw . GOOD-BYE and Good luck to the PINEAPPLE team :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Just moving on

Hello! ;D
Such a boring day..argh...played computer, eat , rest and drink =/ . After that, at around 2 or 3 plus went cycling to lakeside park. Ride here and there..admire nature and the air there so fresh. o.o lol..injured myself there also -.- hahas..clumsy me ._.. Now swollen sia the around the ankle there.. D: ..Nevermind..forget it .Yay~! Training tmrw at 7am, outdoor, can get to see the pineapples & durians (team)! Haha ..hope training will be ok and weather to be alright. Not so sunny and not to cloudy :) . Thinking back about those lost matches makes me so upset and disappointed in me D:. But hey! c'mon..we got to move on no matter how bad it is. Though it will be a tough road, we must never give up but try our best to fight on. Mark this, Actions speaks louder than words..so dont be a coward and DO it! >:D Good-bye! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Heheh! Hello everyone! :) Today was Anderson Sec competitiom at Hougang stadium. Quite disappointing because we made a lot of mistakes and fouls. Well, let's just forget it because what is done is done so you can't rewind things back. Hais.. SIAN nia..tmrw is Dunman Sec competition at hougang stadium, chin said we can fight them because it will be challenging and exciting. Let's see about it tmrw barhs. Jiayous DURIAN :D ! Do your best & dare to fight them! :D WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU! ;DD o.o BYE! :D