Saturday, January 16, 2010


Very sian leh, today trng was okay except for my mood just now. Sry dudes, i gotta do smth about it so yeah...School days not very good, Mr. talip is my english teacher and that totally sucks. I love lessons but nowadays very boring, teacher teaching like he/she didnt eat in the morning -.-. Lol. Malay lessons sucks agn like last year, all malay teachers bully me cos i cant speak and understand malay language so im goin to fight back! ;) Zonals are coming, get ready teammates :) I wished we will be the TOP SCHOOL! I will pray for that to happen so lets see whether miracles will happen or not. Well, ahma aka carol is not here in singapore cos she's in china for some important reasons. So i'm goin to be lonely agn....hais. WE'LL GONNA MISS AHMA DONT YOU? Oh ya, ahma is not invited to this blog cos i dun know her email =.=". Hais....Goodbye for now :)
I'm your weapon and you need me cos im important to you too.

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