Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rock it

Hello, What's up everybody?
Back from the market and guess who i saw? The one who wears red specs and her lil cute sister saying, jie jie. Haha! Its... AHMA! I SAW Carol and her siblings doing shopping i guess o.o. Lol. I saw many famaliar faces at the market today o.o. So let's continue...Today vb training in the morning at 8am, first was basic training then quick spike! ROCK ON MAN! Im so goin to learn how to thunder...hell yeah that will score more man. and its so cool you know the feeling..hais nvm. Then after that was match with two Ex-Yuhua students to come and play with us. It was fun though but during the play it was painful. No mood at that point of time so.....not going to write much about that. After that, sparred with B'div girls, sabrina, ysabelle, priscilla and me were left so no choice but to play. Since we got four people, the alumni people join us to become six. Very fun lehs, we were like switching positions anywhere we like...zz i became the sub-set agn. so i anyhow play but it was fun in the end :]. So went home with pris and sab. That's all,
Goodbye :]

Friday, January 29, 2010

love your jokes :]

Yo! what's up?
School was still the usual, so exciting to learn new things and sometimes lessons can be extremely FUN(sometimes)! One thing for sure....I LOVE IT! :] hahas. And so for training, learn a new skill, just use your wrist one but the setting ball very low so must take your stepping steps faster and do not swing your hand fully. I can actually do that, but im quite slow -.-" need to practice once agn. Hais....During training, i kept singing You are not alone & Heal the world by Michael Jackson...hahas i was so crazy at that point of time, singing out loud. I did not care if my singing sucks..hahas atleast it can make people's mood go up not down. But at the end very sian, my back hors very painful somemore i was playing at sub-set position, the opponents keep aiming me i know how it feels to be a sub-set just like michelle and charmaine. Dont worry! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! hahas. Okay tmrw got trng also..woots! LOVE IT~ Okay
Goodbye! :]

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

dont give up :]

Hello everyone :]
I know ya'll upset but we're not going to stop there, must move on and be sucessful. Just like maplestory, even though you're low level, you can be high level if you keep training and do not stop whatever you're doing and go for the best. So JY FOR TMRW'S MATCH WITH HUAYI! :] Jiayou arhs.

One thing for sure, DONT GIVE UP! and try your best! ;]


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Im willing to fight it

Yo homies out there! What's up?
Woke up in the morning at 6.30am, did the same old usual thing ya know. Went out of the house at 7.30, was actually meeting carol and mingsiew but carol the ahma overslept. So met up with mingsiew along with Mr.chin. Went to NTUC to buy HL milk and fresh milk for all of us. Early in the morning drinking fresh milk...COOL! And did our warm-ups and stuffs you know. Training was A.W.E.S.O.M.E & G.R.E.A.T! Well, our first match with Nanyang girls on monday at Huayi sec school. Everyone is willing to fight em and on that day everyone will be GANGSTAS! woots! hahas. So GOODLUCK and get ready for war on monday :). hahas.
Goodbye YO!

Friday, January 22, 2010

You're confuse?

Hello :)
Today school was usual, its still the same whereby teacher keep scolding here and there.Today training was great! Best la! I didnt get moodswings :) hahas...Keep laughing during the sparring part. hahas! Oh well, nth much to write down la hors.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Should i even trust you or not?

Trng was fine with juniors, got one look like charmaine...hahas.
Zonals are coming, make your moodswings disappear and never to appear again as well for me. I should do that...we'll gonna have the feeling like VAS once again. remmeber? hahas. At hougang stadium, very scary that time lorh...walao eh. But this time, we'll prove to those people out there that we can fight and even WIN. Woohoo! Oh yeah! ;). Ahma is coming back from china...maybe from china great wall? chey..HAHAS! like as if! miss you la ahma...hais. I hope she will come tmrw :) Oh ya, mandy today didnt come to school...dunno why but why? hahas. Maybe she eat maggie mee untill she feel so bloated. HAHAS! Long time didnt play maplestory liaos, not going to quit it but i'm helping roxy to reached level 200. MUAHAHS! my aran, lvl 57 very nub derh lehs -.- hais...cannot chiong cos no mesos...sians. Okay, that's all.
Oh wait! On emore thing that made me laugh like siao with my big sis. FUNNY MMV!
Goodbye! I'm being silly...-.-.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

it isnt funny anymore

Yo! Trng was fun! nth much to write down...Icons to express my feelings.

Goodbye. :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Very sian leh, today trng was okay except for my mood just now. Sry dudes, i gotta do smth about it so yeah...School days not very good, Mr. talip is my english teacher and that totally sucks. I love lessons but nowadays very boring, teacher teaching like he/she didnt eat in the morning -.-. Lol. Malay lessons sucks agn like last year, all malay teachers bully me cos i cant speak and understand malay language so im goin to fight back! ;) Zonals are coming, get ready teammates :) I wished we will be the TOP SCHOOL! I will pray for that to happen so lets see whether miracles will happen or not. Well, ahma aka carol is not here in singapore cos she's in china for some important reasons. So i'm goin to be lonely agn....hais. WE'LL GONNA MISS AHMA DONT YOU? Oh ya, ahma is not invited to this blog cos i dun know her email =.=". Hais....Goodbye for now :)
I'm your weapon and you need me cos im important to you too.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dumb shyt

This few days very sian one lorhs....lessons very boring, almost fell asleep one lorh ==. Haiz...Must tahan! :) tmrw got trng! yesyesyes!! :) hahas.. You all should know that my blog is private..MUAHAHAS. chasing all those nubs away ^_^. Zonals coming soon liao leh, dont be stress la hors. :) must be happy, happy one derh lahs. Not updating this few days...very sian.
Good bye! See ya agn :D

Saturday, January 9, 2010

not happy?

Yo! :D
Laughter is the best medicine :)
So, dont get upset or emotional... xD

Thursday, January 7, 2010

why take the hardway?


Sorry, i've made alot of mistakes and i need to say sorry 1zillion times man...SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! argh! If sorry no cure? what am i suppose to do? ARGH! Ok whatever. School was like a war, boys versus girl arguing everywhere ><"...wth man. How to concentrate in lessons lorh..hais...tmrw still got war so i must be prepared to FIGHT! CHARGE!!!

Tell me why is there a war? WHY??? Hais == cant take it anymore


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gameover :P

Yo! What's up Homies?

I just came back from school then no one was at home so i did my homework, bought bowl noodles to eat. Haiz...waited and watch television till my mum came back then watch Channel 5. Sis came back home and now its raining :/ I hope it wont rain tmrw :) hope so...

Forfeit the game!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yo! wassup homies?

Schoool today as usual...== Volleyball training was great at first but the last part was very sien...Hais, no matter what I ain't qutting this....-.-"

Its maplestory! hahas XDXD not mapling today cos bo mesos == so..

Goodbye :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

No interests at all :P

Back from a nearby shop, bought candies...cannot take it anymore those people. You make people's lives WORST/MISERABLE! No mood :/ i got all my books except for my english textbook ==" will get it by next week...Lame shyt la. Think you what arh? BIG isit? haiz...very sians liao eh..Haiz...tmrw training! woots ;) i wonder who will coach us?....hmmms....Haiz...hope tmrw in the morning wont rain leh..I miss those times! Hais...kena scolding all that.. HAHAS :) Well, suprisingly Mr.RobinSu will be my science teacher and everyone was grumbling...lols. I watch out first ar? No la! you watch out first! BULLSHYT! SIXX!
Goodbye :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

dun worry about me.

Today's match with sembawang sec was exciting! kept dropping ball and whatever that makes me tired out. Phew! Played with B & C division's! cant believe it man....suddenly i remember what makes me angry of...ARGH! well, school's starts after one day..hais, i wonder who will be my form teacher this year. Guess what? my back was injured now is my right knee :(...WHY???????????????????????????????? nvm im careless. ok nvm. Bye

That's it and that...