Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I believe in myself...

Today's friendly match with Cedar girls was awesome! Happy
Michelle and Ysabelle didnt come but PRISCILLA IS! WELCOME BACK Smile! Well, it was awesome...Carol can spike but sometime she doesn't believe in herself...Heyhey what am i talking about her its suppose to be about me. LOL. I did alot of mistakes and made the setter run. I'm trying ok...I know sorry cant be cured, how about a gun? HAHAS! That is priscilla's joke and I miss her ya know that when she wasnt around. Like there's no joker but still mingsiew, carol and charmaine will make me laugh like siao. =.=. hahas! Oh ya btw.....School holidays are going to end soon BETTER enjoy now..hahas before its too late~
I don't know whether I'm going to bonding day or not so i guess i wont and will be going. Still deciding ya know. Oh well...Goodbye!


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