Friday, December 8, 2017

Moving on no matter what..

HI! :D
Today's training was about attack and coordination. Spikers must be very attentive esp centres, they are the ones who pull the blocker away..,

Friday, September 7, 2012

Hope .


N Levels are around the corner, still bitching and playing around :/ Blog have changed a lot, it's so new and clean now, not like the previous one. This one is more like an email... Hmmm.. weird o.o

Hmmm.. The passed few days, I have been lazing around, lying around and stayed at home. Being a good girl here. Not studying at all.... how awesome? = = i'm like looking at my life going down the drain. Haha.. so funny. I miss my teammates sia, i want to see them and play volleyball. This year seems so different, everyone so busy with their studies... Where got timeeeeeeee?? Yeah, no time. Little time here and there, it's so freaking little. School ends next month some more...dafug? Is this how it's going to end? This simply sucks... literally sucks!!! :(

Sometimes... I wish this year end faster but at the same time, I don't want it to end that fast. Having a wonderful and great time with my friends, sisters and brothers :(. Oh well, you born alone, you die alone. There goes that saying... hahah lame i know. You don't say ! :P

I plan to learn how to dance, Hip- Hop dance :D It seems fun but I don't know where and whether my mum will allow it as she think it's a waste of time = = I wish I can, I wish it happens. Volleyball? hmmm..I heard  T.R.T will still be joining competitions and have fun!!! WOOOHOO. This is gonna be fun! And also.. i want to learn how to play the piano and skateboard ! hahahha learn from a friend perhaps? hmm.. that sounds great and why in the world i'm planning all this when my exams are not over yet .. zzz... silly me. I can't hope too much also :( it might or not happen leh. It seems like a dream. Oh well... So long peopleee! BYEEEE BOO YAA! :D

Friday, February 10, 2012



Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunset (Cover) - Marques Houston

You are my sunset, set, set! :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

We can do it!

It's been such a long time since I blog, It was like on the last National Day which was Last year 2011! Lol. This year, 2012, I'm taking my "N" Level exams, Its crazy at the same time! I've to do CPA, EBS, DT Coursework and that is stressing me out but I'm willing to give it a SHOT! :D

Recently, Many things happened, My Grandparents went back to their hometown in the Philipines, I promise them that I will go and visit them there and pass my FINAL EXAMS! The other thing is, You should all know, I'm disappointed with them, How could they do this to themselves? The society simply SUCKS!.

Competition at Huayi with Rivervalley High this coming Monday 16/01/12, We can do this babes! Oh and Chelsea's ankle twisted her ligament... Something like that. We're gonna win this for her and for GOD'S SAKE. OUR LAST YEAR!!!! MAKE IT HISTORY :| Oh and I asked my sister to come along to support us! HEHEH! :D I'm so excited !! :) CNY is coming so very soon, so people, please dont eat too much and at the same time go and work out! :) Have a nice weekend and see you guys soon! :D BUHHHHHHH-BYEEEEEEEEEEE! :}

Monday, August 8, 2011

Big differences in my life

HI! :D
I don't know who have been coming to my blog to read my posts. I bet no one is reading it. I think my blog is dead for such a long time. Well, today is Singapore's Birthday, so.......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE RED DOT! I LOVE SGteehee. Its such a hot day here, the sun shining brightly outside my window :/. Next week is..... PSLE which is Please Start Learning Everything (Y)! Actually it is Primary School Leaving Examination. My bro is taking it and he is not even studying right now. He keeps on playin blackshot, maple, garena and stuffs. I told him to study just now and he was like, I want play.. i want play plsplspls.. come on lah, PSLE is not a piece of cake thing you know so I wont be letting him play till he studies. Good or what? Haha.. thats for his own good. :D

Yesterday was great hangin out with my friends :D Went to Bukit Batok to play bowling with Leng Poh along with Crystal, Lili and YM (Bitch-'-) Fyi, She come extra one lorh, nobody wants her to come actually so yeah -.-". Leng Poh won Round 1 & 2 -.-" But i got strike once hor! hahah. After that, we headed to Charmaine's house downstairs to play volleyball and badminton. There was mingsiew and yaya over there so greattttt \m/! We took bus 157 and stopped near the Yuhua Village and guess what? We walked to Charmaine's house..yup we did it. So tiring but worth it! Yeah! Play here and there. It was great man. Next time, i have to bring more cash =/ or else i have to walk again. Good bye! Till I have the free time to come blog again. haha :P

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Inner Peace.

Haloooooooooooooo :D

Today was just another day at school and first period was DT, practical and lectures from papa leong (Mr Kelvin Leong) again. So whatever.. My index finger got blister because of the work I did today ._.! English was about product, make your own brand name, mine was Jet Li Jeans! Lol.. I don't know why I wanted that name. After that was recess and then maths, It was great :) EBS, Papa leong came to relief and he scolded the boys for not behaving themselves. -.-" After one period gone, Mrs Chan came in to relief, It was great. After school, went to eat lunch with yuting and then copied her maths worksheet answers :p haha so difficult to do larhs. After school, I stayed back and end up with pris, ziqinq, yokelin and me at the library and after that was at the foyer because library want to close down. =/ Bought bread and took bus 334 to homeeeeeee sweeet homeee :]!. I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed with you. =/