Thursday, June 2, 2011

Feeling so suay..

Training today, learned new drills and I was yawning all the way. Trained the sec 1s for awhile too. Kind of slack but today's training is all about focusing. Today very suay lah, I want to go out with my friends suddenly my mood changed like until so suay till I walk home straight and my feelings were like, leave me alone..I want to be alone. =/ Suay or what? -.-" Yesterday, pissed off with my friend, I'm just worried not interfering in your problems but seriously im concern. Why cant you just tell me whats your problem and everything will be alright. Or you want me to leave you alone, dont talk to you, its that the way you want me to treat you? not my prob its your prob. While walking home, the pasts comes back and its making me fcked up. I want to leave my pasts at the back and forget it but it seems like i cant. :(((((((( I neeeeeeeed peace!!!!!!!!!! T.T Troublemaker, wait till you see what you will get ah. I'm being quiet and staying calm but i will never forget wat you did to me so dont think that you so lucky today, can go home happily and grinning so big. -'- Irritating! Annoying! Betch!

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