Thursday, May 21, 2009

Laugh out loud day...Joker of the day is still MING SIEW ;D

Hellooooooooo people,

I'm very happy today because i found out my exam marks!!!!!!!!!!! ;D hahas.. I tell you something... i passed my maths,english,CPA,science(guess so)..err... i cant rmb.. lols

Ok.. today go to school as usual, i went to school early ><>Why nowadays i very lazy like a bear? aiya...maybe i stress or what lahs...coz..hor during training hor i keep dropping the ball.

Ok...after all that happen..went to the classroom then my form teacher gave us the marks of the exam..that part i was like...omg(oh my grapes!) i dun want to know my marks...what if i fail arh? aiyo atleast i passed hehes..

After school, got VB training and it was abit tough today the training...why am i getting so tired arh? aiyo! i very worried....btw, i enjoyed myself and laugh too~ hahas Then mandy and me kept talking about maple about the new episode....then talk and talk....

Today joker if the day is still TMS AKA MING SIEW

HAHA she really very funny and mandy made me laugh too today!

Bye people~ :D

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