Saturday, May 30, 2009


Helllllllllloooooooooo :)

Why hor today i cry alot??? -.-...well when i was goin home,i saw mandy near the chinese temple so i ran to her and we talked about maplestory,difficult things and the examination marks. Of coz la that part so susah la..-.- I got a dental appointment and training at the same time this monday of 1st june 2009. I hope my mum will change the appointment coz i dun wanna miss the training..aiya..i didnt go for coach departure and didnt accompany carol and tms.. D: Oh no..i hope they understand and i'm frustrated...haiyo, lucky arh during june holidays got i wont get bored at home and play the computer.Atleats can see mandy,carol and tms lorh. today hor..mandy quite frustrated,tms very super quiet and carol too quiet. I hate combined training! Pui!-spits- lol..i hate some of the boys and i understand that coach isnt here so it is easy to to let mr.chin and Mr.justin tan coach for combined training..haiz..i hope this end quick.. byee!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Joker la you

Hello ;D

Joker la you tms aka mingsiew...-.- when school as usual then went to go self-training at the court near the new block foyer..Then i kenna hit by mr.chin and from dunno who..i forgot or i didnt know who did it D;..not pain marh..just like a shock then my tears burst out ..not like a crybaby hor..ok after all that went back to assembly then kenna scolding cos missed the flag raising and silent reading then we were like standing there while miss lee looking at us like that..then scolded some of the girls because of some of them wearing ankle socks...heng,i didnt wore ankle socks since i sensed something would happen.Then poor mandy,she didnt wear the school's sock...of cos la wash what then wet right then you think what can dry so fast marh! wlao..-.-

Ok see ya people...gonna post another post.

Monday, May 25, 2009

What a day..

Yo people!

Today,gone to school as usual and talk to friends..i think the part i like about my day is after school.. Okay let me talk about it below..

After school,i waited for TMS aka mingsiew at the general office,i couldnt find her at the canteen and near the general office area. So i waited near the general office and waited till i saw TMS and thailand coach..i was wondering what happen.. so i asked tms what happen and she told me that the coach was sick so he cant train the C boys. Then i said to her so good lor for the boys then how about us leh for tmr training...aiya..we hope that he will recover but it is better that he wouldnt come to train us ;P.So TMS and I go up the staircase and wait near the library because we were waiting for charmaine and gang.AS we go up the stairs, i saw PRISCILLA yawning...haha i can see her face that she is we waited till i saw jeff,kharyl and ming xuan near the OM's office.. o.o they lorh nvr behave till like that.. Haiyyo! so as we waited the OM released the Jeff and company...then ming xuan went up and asked me whether i saw YU sheng,and jeff and kharyl went up to the classroom to take thier school bag. After that chermaine's class dismissed and we quickly go down to the stairs and chermaine wanted to take her schoolbag at the NEW BLOCK FOYER there.Then lalallalala~ go to mac,bought bbt then go back school played VB then blah blah...then saw jeff and 1n2 students.. o.o i wonder why he is still in school......

So after that went back to mac and slacked there then go home....TMS was the Joker Of the day.. -.- why everytime her arhs.. aiyo..shes like a clown

Bye people.. :D

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fun all the way~

Yo people! ;D

I'm back from my training,guess mother's parents is now at my house! o.o My mother and her mother kept talking in filipino language and i was huh...while my mother's father, he has a soar throat so he can't talk alot.

Today training very fun,Mr.chin coach us instead the thailand coach....i had fun lols..even though it was tough and he treat everyone ice-cream and even the people aren't in volleyball.. o.o hahas..hey its a cone ice-cream you know! hahas........laugh alot today and let me tell you who is the JOker Of The day..

Mingsiew,Mandy & carol~

wah seh..make me luagh till like a mad person.. -.-

OK byes.. ;D

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Laugh out loud day...Joker of the day is still MING SIEW ;D

Hellooooooooo people,

I'm very happy today because i found out my exam marks!!!!!!!!!!! ;D hahas.. I tell you something... i passed my maths,english,CPA,science(guess so)..err... i cant rmb.. lols

Ok.. today go to school as usual, i went to school early ><>Why nowadays i very lazy like a bear? aiya...maybe i stress or what lahs...coz..hor during training hor i keep dropping the ball.

Ok...after all that happen..went to the classroom then my form teacher gave us the marks of the exam..that part i was like...omg(oh my grapes!) i dun want to know my marks...what if i fail arh? aiyo atleast i passed hehes..

After school, got VB training and it was abit tough today the training...why am i getting so tired arh? aiyo! i very worried....btw, i enjoyed myself and laugh too~ hahas Then mandy and me kept talking about maple about the new episode....then talk and talk....

Today joker if the day is still TMS AKA MING SIEW

HAHA she really very funny and mandy made me laugh too today!

Bye people~ :D