Friday, September 7, 2012

Hope .


N Levels are around the corner, still bitching and playing around :/ Blog have changed a lot, it's so new and clean now, not like the previous one. This one is more like an email... Hmmm.. weird o.o

Hmmm.. The passed few days, I have been lazing around, lying around and stayed at home. Being a good girl here. Not studying at all.... how awesome? = = i'm like looking at my life going down the drain. Haha.. so funny. I miss my teammates sia, i want to see them and play volleyball. This year seems so different, everyone so busy with their studies... Where got timeeeeeeee?? Yeah, no time. Little time here and there, it's so freaking little. School ends next month some more...dafug? Is this how it's going to end? This simply sucks... literally sucks!!! :(

Sometimes... I wish this year end faster but at the same time, I don't want it to end that fast. Having a wonderful and great time with my friends, sisters and brothers :(. Oh well, you born alone, you die alone. There goes that saying... hahah lame i know. You don't say ! :P

I plan to learn how to dance, Hip- Hop dance :D It seems fun but I don't know where and whether my mum will allow it as she think it's a waste of time = = I wish I can, I wish it happens. Volleyball? hmmm..I heard  T.R.T will still be joining competitions and have fun!!! WOOOHOO. This is gonna be fun! And also.. i want to learn how to play the piano and skateboard ! hahahha learn from a friend perhaps? hmm.. that sounds great and why in the world i'm planning all this when my exams are not over yet .. zzz... silly me. I can't hope too much also :( it might or not happen leh. It seems like a dream. Oh well... So long peopleee! BYEEEE BOO YAA! :D